Becoming a Certified Instructor

Instructor Training and Certification
How to teach this safe and simple process, known as Ecstatic Trance Postures.
July 28th – August 2nd, 2020 

Cost: $545.00 – Food and lodging inclusive ($595.00 after May 15th)

What makes a good Instructor of the Ecstatic Trance Posture Method? You have been practicing for some time and have already experienced the healing and expansive effects of using the Method, and would like to share with others. You want to reach out to your community and share what you have found so deeply moving, healing, and transformative. In these times, more than ever, people are looking for qualified instruction using this verified, safe practice, to enrich, expand and experience universal mind.

Becoming a Certified Instructor – What does it mean?

You may ask “what is the role of a Certified Instructor”? Instructing with the Ecstatic Trance Posture Method is all about facilitating experiences using a series of easy to follow steps.  The posture experience itself does the real work – helping men and women to bring an awareness of the spiritual realms into their every day reality. This process is all about having an experience and does not require any belief system or learned philosophy.  The Ecstatic Trance Postures Method transcends the concepts of a religions into the deeper wisdom teachings that could be a way to unite all of humanity’s major religious and philosophical traditions.

There is a spiritual source that connects us all, which is the genuine source of spiritual strength and awareness. Through the study of quantum physics, science has now found this to be a fact. As a Certified Instructor of the Ecstatic Trance Postures Method you can assist people tin experiencing expanded levels of consciousness and connecting with the vast realms of spirit that allows them to make miracles happen in their daily lives.

Explore becoming a Certified Instructor and ask yourself if any of these sound like you.  Here are several qualities that describe a person who should pursue becoming a Certified Instructor:

If these qualities describe you, then you might be ready to embark on an extraordinary journey. Involvement in this profound spiritual work becomes more and more exciting as time passes. As your awareness increases, your ability to assist the people you serve becomes more and more profound.

What is the next step?
The steps and process of the Ecstatic Trance Posture Method seem deceptively simple, so effective is the practice. However, teaching the Method requires significant training and our certification program draws upon nearly four decades of research and experience. Dr. Goodman provided us with a detailed roadmap to share this practice in a safe, methodical way. It is important for individuals to obtain solid instructor skills and this certification provides proof of your knowledge. Best of all – it is so rewarding and enriching to share this method with others. Here is a link with details of the training process and the requirements. Instructor Training.

In the Instructor Training, you will learn:

How to teach the safe and  powerful process, using a simply ritual, rhythmic sound, and body position. What postures to use for specific purposes, including:

  • HEALING: the meaning of healing, making whole and holy, for self and others;
  • DIVINATION: how to consult the larger Reality for answers to personal and global questions
  • SPIRIT JOURNEYS: traveling along the World Tree to the Sky World, the Middle World, and the Lower World
  • METAMORPHOSIS: shape-shifting in non-ordinary reality
  • INITIATION: accessing the mysteries of death and rebirth.Practice techniques for rattling and drumming to guide trance sessions.
You will also learn:
  • How to facilitate group dynamics in workshop settings and support participants in finding meaning in their trance posture experiences.
  • History of Felicitas Goodman’s research.
  • Overview of body-based spiritual practice, including neuro-psychology and physiological changes that occur during the trance state.
  • How to organize workshops and individual consultations.

Cost: $545 – INCLUDES MEALS AND LODGING, as well as workbook and training materials. (To confirm that you meet criteria for attendance please email

Contact Us
If you plan to attend contact us even if you have not yet registered.  We are here to guide you through the steps. We will set a your coursework to give you both the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to facilitate the Ecstatic Trance Posture Method.

Thank you for your interest!