Call for Papers and Presentations

Call for Papers and Presentations

International Instructors Conference
Teachers of the Cuyamungue Method / Ritual Posture

Hosted by: Cuyamungue Institute
Santa Fe, NM  – Summer 2016
Seven days

July 2016?  Dates to be announced

If you have an interesting program idea, you are invited to submit an application for our Call For Presentation.  The purpose of this symposium is to bring together the community of International instructors to share and honoring the life and work of  Felicitas Goodman and to share ideas and/or expand knowledge in several areas that Felicitas was active in.  The focus will be on building community and sharing insight into the development of ritual posture research and experience.  The symposium itself will include organized as a series of round table panels. the conference will consist of a mixture of presentations, panels, performances, rituals and ceremonies and will include the exploration of . We invite submissions for contributions to this conference that specifically fit into the themes listed above