Who We Are

Mission Statement

Cuyamungue, The Felicitas D. Goodman Institute is an independent, not-for-profit educational organization [Section 501 (c) (3)] committed to the study of “ASC” Altered States of Consciousness as a natural extension of the human experience. Our focus is reflected in three main areas: Experience, Education and Exploration. The Institute continues to promotes public awareness and teaches the powerful use and effectiveness of Ritual Postures throughout the world.  The Cuyamungue Institute is run by an all-volunteer group of Directors, Advisors, and Friends. All tax-deductible donations go to projects and operations.   We are also dedicated to preserving our land in Santa Fe, New Mexico as a sacred center and worldwide archival and research headquarters

Part of the mission of the Cuyamungue Institute is looking to the anthropology of trance as a field of study that provides perspective on the cultural, social, and psychological aspects of trance states. We continue to Investigate the rituals, practices, and beliefs associated with altered states of consciousness, seeking to comprehend their significance and impact on individuals and communities. The study of trance provides insights into the complex interplay between cultural practices, spirituality, and the human experience. Through the practice of Ritual Postures we experience an “emergence experience” of an altered state of consciousness This involves a shift from the ordinary waking state to an expanded mode of awareness, perception, or experience.

We need your help to support our mission. We rely on the generosity of the Community of CI to maintain our course and fulfill our mission. we rely on you. Like most non-profit organizations, the Cuyamungue Institute has limited resources. Each one of us can make a difference in our own way; some have the resources to provide financial support, while others have talents which they can share as a committed volunteers. We must always ask the question, “How can I make a difference?” Once we know that answer, we need to act. We are proud of the scope of work we have already accomplished, but this is just the beginning, and there is much more to do! Here’s how you can participate:    More information