Advanced participants join together to further one’s own experience and to support the ongoing research of the Cuyamungue Institute. Together we will go deeper into the understanding and experiences of the Ecstatic Trance Postures. Advanced Participants (those who have completed a minimum of five introductory ETP sessions in Zoom or in a workshop setting) further our understanding with ongoing experiential research for Cuyamungue Institute.
How do I I qualify as an Advanced Participant?
- Attendance at a workshop at the Cuyamungue institute or
- Previously attended a 3 to four day workshop with an certified Instructor or
- Attended five “Open Sessions” on ZOOM.
No Course Fee!
This is where we take new, exploratory postures “out for a test drive” one week, and the next, fashion the props (the hats, collars, face paint, or held objects) that we see on the originating artifacts to see what influence they may have. As we are assured you’re well versed in this practice, we omit the introductory “how-to” in the beginning, which gives us a little more time for sharing experiences and general discussion towards the end of our two-hour session.

No Course Fee? Donations Welcome.
Right now we are waving the usual course fee! Should you feel this work is of value to you and are inspired to support the Cuyamungue Institute by ‘paying it forward,’ we are most appreciative of your donation. Any donation of any size is welcomed but not required.
The Cuyamungue Institute is registered as a 501(c)(3) charity under the United States Internal Revenue Code. Donations Welcome.
See the list of Recent donors who have supported our Online Virtual Training sessions . We are grateful to have your support!
Other optional time? Monday twice a month