Native Americans Art of the Northwest – Lee Brooks, Justin Yuoso
Connection between Art, Storytelling, Sacred Knowledge, and
Community Identity
Traditional arts of the Pacific Northwest Coast have enjoying a rebirth, revitalizing tribal cultures
Connection between Art, Storytelling, Sacred Knowledge, and
Community Identity
Traditional arts of the Pacific Northwest Coast have enjoying a rebirth, revitalizing tribal cultures
Join in on the path of healing and transformation—a call to action that inspires us all to become active participants in creating a culture where
What does it take to turn this dream into reality: overturning old, inefficient, toxic methods with new ideas and new technology that mimics Nature?
One of humanity’s earliest questions about the nature of reality and our place in it is given fresh, dynamic hope and insight with cosmologist Brian
As the seasons shift and the veil between worlds grows thin this time of year, we’re diving deep into the realm of the unexplained. Have
Decoding the Esoteric Teachings, Rituals & Symbolism
of Ancient Mystery Schools . David Elkington, Janet Rudolph
A mystery school is an ancient institution
Here we talk about the rich wisdom traditions left to us by generations upon generations of Indigenous People throughout time. What principles and values do
The Visionary World of Metaphysician & Mathematician of Alfred North Whitehead. Guest: L. Pia Shaw Ph.D.
This conversation highlights the importance of Alfred North
In Western culture, many of us have been taught that the world is a random collection of lifeless particles, entirely separate from ourselves. This worldview
Here we discuss one of the cultural universals of human society: Warfare. It is one of the most enduring and complex aspects of human society
Intelligence, in many ways, has always been tied to the creation and shaping of reality. Throughout human history, our understanding of the world has been
Our community gathers to share insights and reflections on the vast, interconnected journey we call life. We come together with a shared purpose: to realign
Exploring Humanity’s Connection with the Universe. Cosmology is a branch of physics and metaphysics dealing with the nature of the universe, the cosmos. We will
The concept of the Divine Feminine has been a central theme in spiritual and religious traditions throughout history, symbolizing the nurturing, creative, and intuitive aspects
The threats of annihilation on a global scale just keep piling up, making for an existential crisis on a collective level. It used to be
Josh writes: “My preferred symbol for the work I do is a bridge because I create connections between biological and human sciences. But more importantly,
Martin Gray, World Pilgrimage Photographer
Since ancient times, certain places have had a powerful attraction for billions of people worldwide. Known as sacred sites
We hear a lot these days about the Goddess and the awakening of the sacred feminine. We also must recognize the divine masculine is alive
Celebrates how we frequently experience the same patterns of Nature show up again and again in our visionary work, from the microcosm to the macrocosm.
When living at a pace that Nature did not design us for, it’s therapeutic to take a break. Our guests offer a means to do
Olivia Russo, Nadia Black
It may seem the gap between generations is getting wider, but do we have time in this day and age
We employ many tools to see further, from the micro to the macro levels and everything in-between. Our guest, Forensic anthropologist Stephanie Fox, shares stories
Certified Medical Intuitive / Wellness Coach.
We’ve all had moments of direct knowing, spontaneously. Did you know Intuition is like a mental ‘muscle’ that
Our reports on highlights of our time presenting at the Anthropology of Consciousness Conference in St. Louis, where we witnessed the Eclipse in totality, and
From Christine: “I propose the pots (Medio Period (AD 1200 to 1450) Casas Grandes) were animate “pot-people” created for shamanic rituals. They were created with
GB Cornucopia, Cherilynn Morrow
In anticipation of April 8th’s total solar eclipse, let’s honor the Skywatchers of old. About 1,000 years ago, the early
The Cathars believing themselves to be the true heirs to the true Christian heritage, the Cathars completely rejected the Catholic Church. The Cathars were a
We are excited to welcome back popular professors of anthropology at the University of Missouri, Christine and Todd VanPool. Their intensive ethnographic fieldwork and research
“Deep time” refers to the concept of geological or cosmological time spans that are extremely vast, often on the order of millions or billions of
“We see art as one of our universal languages, having greater impact on us, on many levels, than we generally acknowledge. Art is at the
Jeff Volk’s four decades exploring and explaining cymatics gives him a unique perspective on how intricate harmonic patterns can be rendered visible in normally inert
David Elkington, Mythologist & Historian. From David’s long study of the Western and Mediterranean Mystery Schools, he decodes the symbols and the seasons, as well
How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming the World
David Hanley, Computer Scientist / Programmer
AI is a technology that is transforming every walk of
Who were the alchemists of old, and who are they now? What were they turning to gold? From the metaphorical and mythical, from history to
Michael Langlois is well equipped to write new chapters in ancient history. He has a busy career, deciphering Dead Sea Scrolls, determining what is fake
Peter Davenport, Director of the National UFO Reporting Center
Peter has manned the UFO hotline on sightings and encounters for over three decades. Those
We’ve looked at many ancient burial rites and how they all tell a cosmological story. In our talk with funeral director Elizabeth Fournier, it’s time
Like many other South American Indian communities, the Suyá Indians of Mato Grosso, Brazil, devote a great deal of time and energy to making music,
Tony Hull, Adjunct Professor of Physics & Astronomy
University of New Mexico. Tony Hull first heard his destiny calling as a young boy perched
The Noosphere refers to the sphere of thought that encompasses the Earth. Brian Swimme returns, with Monica DeRaspe-Bolles, co-writer of their new video series on
The convergence of science and spirituality refers to the growing recognition and exploration of the connections between these two seemingly distinct domains of human understanding.
Gregory Carr is the American visionary who in 2008 dreamed of bringing Gorongosa, a national park in Mozambique, back to life. Once a popular wildlife
The VanPools’ new book, An Anthropological Study of Spirits looks at “the cultural importance of spirits, what spirits want, and how humans interact with them”
Ancient cacao ceremonies were used at religious ceremonies, marriage ceremonies, during both birth and baptism, and most other important ceremonies for the ancient Native Mesoamerican
The 14-billion year evolutionary journey of the universe, and of us, and all of life, is the updated creation story for our transitional times, courtesy
Amid the environmental degradation, social unrest, political divides, and the distracting impact of technology, we also see signs of a positive shift in global consciousness,
Janet began researching the female spiritual leaders of history, and found a museum exhibit around one historical figure, shown in an artifact in a specific
Reclaiming the history of Indigenous People of the Americas
Dr. Paulette Steeves (Cree-Metis) Indigenous Archeologist
Paulette Steeves cites the accumulating evidence from genetics,
Paul Devereux will share his investigation of ancient sites and acoustic archaeology. From caves to constructed stone chambers to standing stones, from temples to rock
The Myth of Disenchantment: Revenge of the Magicians
We continue to examine the evolution of our collective worldviews, and the meeting point of Science and
We are all on a quest, and film is a compelling and vivid way to share it, bringing the audience along to explore the human
We are all on a quest, and film is a compelling and vivid way to share it, bringing the audience along to explore the human
Hilma af Klint was a Swedish artist and mystic whose paintings are considered among the first abstract works known in Western art history. As a
Love is all about connection. It at provides us with peace and an inner knowingness that leads to self-love and acceptance. As we connect with
When did the first people arrive in the Americas? Evidence mounts for dates long before the end of the last Ice Age. Prof. Jiří Chlachula,
Guest: Leon Sam Briggs, Seneca Elder. Our guest brings the wisdom of his tribe, sharing the power of language, song, art, and dance of the
A conversation not for women only, but for us all: How are women today drawing from the long, rich history of empowered women in earlier
The Baja Great Murals are a collection of extraordinary rock art found throughout the mountains and arroyos of the Baja California peninsula of Mexico. Archaeologist
Lynda Paladin shares a retrospective on the art of her late husband, David Paladin, sharing images from her archive of David’s paintings, quotes, and insightful
Part 2. We continue our conversation and presentation with Linda Paladin. Lynda shares a retrospective on the art of her late husband, David Paladin, sharing
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