Olivia Russo, Nadia Black
It may seem the gap between generations is getting wider, but do we have time in this day and age for cultural and family squabbles when what we really need all hands on board to steer our world on a better course. You may have heard it said about the younger generations: “They think they know everything, and are always quite sure about it.” That was said by Aristotle, around 350 BC.So what’s changed? People of all ages are questioning everything, and want to become part of the solution. The change makers of all ages are gearing up to help make a better world,To heal the many divides that threaten to disempower us, And bring us ALL together to envision — and create — a world we can all agree on. How do we come together? First, different age groups develop connection if they share a purpose. And to take it a step further, our research at the Cuyamunge Institute for the last 50 years provides strong evidence for the power of a shared experience as well.