February Newsletter 2012
Letter from the President
by Paul Robear
As part of the continued growth of our community, and the collaboration and efforts of the Board of Directors and its advisors, many new developments are underway. With greater outreach there is no doubt all of us will benefit from the increased ways for us to connect and from the expanded instructive activities.
We are excited about the continuing research into the Cuyamungue Method, and potential opportunities that will allow researchers to better understand all aspects of the extraordinary effects of this work.
As part of this research, we have over the years data-based thousands of experiences that take place DURING this practice, and to expand on that we would like to also better document another aspect to the experience. We now are collecting your experiences and effects AFTER the practice of the Cuyamungue Method. For example, we have reports of reduced anxiety, feeling calmer, more peaceful in the days following a posture experience. Experiences of clarity of mind, gaining knowledge and insight and a feeling of overall well being are common among Cuyamungue Method practitioners. We want to document more of these effects and so we need to hear from you, how the posture experience has impacted your life. Documenting the these experiences, will help us better develop a complete picture of the Cuyamungue Method and why it works. Share with us the effects you feel from the Cuyamungue Method at our contact page
I again invite you to continue to support the Cuyamungue Institute; your participation is what makes this journey exciting. It is our hope that you will share this organization with your friends.
The following is some of the recent developments, articles and current workshop schedule available on The Cuyamungue Institute website. Thank you. I look forward to hearing your experiences.
Blessings, Paul Robear
Facebook. To better serve the Cuyamungue Institute community we are expanding our presence on Facebook. I added a Facebook logo on the right column of the website which links directly to the CI Facebook page. Facebook can be an effective tool for us as a nonprofit organization, to connect with you and for you to share with us.
As the Cuyamungue Institute creates video content, podcasts, interviews, or documents, our presence on Facebook provides us an easy way to share new media with you, working in cooperation with our website.
We will be adding more content and additional features in the coming months. Thank you to Jackie Haworth for being moderator of our Facebook presence and for adding photos of the Institute and video as well.
Cuyamungue Videos. I posted eight video interviews of our founder, Dr. Felicitas Goodman. Topics include ritual, hunter-gatherer cultures, the role of women in horticultural society, ecstasy and alternate reality through trance.
Independent Posture Research and Experience by Ross Heaven. We are always happy to welcome a fresh perspective on the effects of the Cuyamungue Method. There is no better way to investigate the efficiacy of the postures than direct experience. Located in Spain, Ross Heaven is a therapist, workshop leader, and the author of several books on shamanism and healing.
Ecstatic Trance and Hypnosis by Nick Brink Ph.D. Nick points out that individuals typically seek therapy due to some personal complaint, such as depression, anxiety, obsessive worry, or one or more of a myriad of psychological problems, or due to something that is blocking the accomplishment of some goal for personal growth. Rarely if ever was the goal to go beyond to attain Universal Mind or in Jungian terms, the Collective Unconscious. Nick shares how, by using specific prescribed postures, one can access Universal Mind. His summer workshop at the Cuyamungue will lead participants through a detailed journey with Universal Mind may as the goal.
IONS and the American Holistic Medicine Association Presentation
“Reclaiming the Human Capacity for Ecstasy”by Belinda Gore, Ph.D
Thursday, March 29, 2012 – 6:00 – 8:30pm
Cleveland Clinic Family Health Center, Independence, OH
2012 Workshops at the Cuyamungue Institute
Make your plans now, come experience the special power of the land and enjoy the benefits of going deep into the posture experiences People walk away stimulated, engaged, and more knowledgeable
May 31 – June 3 The Hero Journey, Embracing Your Own Story
Instructors: Paul Robear, Laura Lee
June 13-17 Masked Trance Dance
Instructors: Rae LeCompte, Jackie Haworth, Stephanie Stephens
July 25-29 Using The Cuyamungue Method for Healing, Growth
and to Access the Universal Mind. Instructor: Nick Brink
July 30-August 3 Discovering the Power of Animal Spirit Guides
Instructor: Nick Brink
August 29 – September 2 Teacher Training: Becoming a Certified Instructor
Instructors: Belinda Gore, Jackie Haworth
September 18 -23, 2012 Experience the Dendara Zodiac through Posture
Instructors: Jill Schumacher & Meredith McCord
Online registration is easy – go to https://www.cuyamungueinstitute.com/events/
Board of Directors Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, June 9th through Tuesday, June 12th. As usual, it will conducted at the Institute. The schedule of activities and meeting agenda will be provided to board members prior to the meeting. We have expanded the length of our meeting to allow for us to go deeper into experience, also to strengthen our strategic planning process, and to create a long term vision for the future of the Cuyamungue Institute.