January 2014

Letter from the President – January 2014
by Paul Robear

Thank you for making 2013 yet another remarkable year — completing the 35th anniversary for Cuyamungue Institute. With your support, we have expanded our outreach, strengthened our programs, and deepened our “ecstatic alternate reality” experiences through the profound method of ritual postures.  It is my pleasure to share more details of our recent progress and accomplishments.

The year ahead promises to be another exciting one — 2014 is the 100th anniversary of the birth of CI’s founder, Dr. Felicitas Goodman. Felicitas was born on January 30, 1914. After much discussion, It was decided that the most practical and potentially the most significant time to hold a gathering is on the Summer Solstice in June. This Centennial Conference will honor her life and work, welcoming all cultures, languages and including all those around the world who are carrying on her legacy. We will come together, both in person and via the Internet, to share stories of Felicitas and what her work means to us. This event is open to all, and we encourage your participation. Space at CI is limited, so make your reservation soon!

Those who attend the conference or any of the many events at CI this year will be among the first to enjoy the new Hall of the Thunderbirds! I am still amazed this new building is complete. Inspired by the traditional design of a Navajo hogan, this structure will serve as a lecture hall and gathering place for dance, celebration, rituals, and more. The inspiration behind the design and construction of this new, large, multi-purpose conference hall is a story in itself. The above photo is looking northeast across the 280 acres of the Cuyamungue Institute.  In the foreground the octagon building is The Hall of the Thunderbird and our newest addition to the Institute. See the full story below.

In the News. Also the Cuyamungue Institute was featured in the fall issue of Sacred Hoop Magazine – a total of 9 pages! It begins with an introduction to the work of Dr. Goodman and the Cuyamungue Institute by Laura Lee followed by a fresh perspective from a first time participant at the Institute, Duane Marcus.  The article is provided in a large PDF format so it may take a moment for it to open. We want to thank the editor of Sacred Hoop, Nick Breeze Wood, for his thoughtful support and interest in the story of the Cuyamungue Institute.

New Subscriber?  Welcome to our new subscribers! The Cuyamungue Institute is founded on a very simple but profound observation by Dr. Felicitas Goodman. In the early 1970’s she explained: “This method is based on my discovery that certain works of non-western art – such as figurines and rock paintings – are not just simply expressions of creativity, but in fact are ritual instructions.”  When we follow these “ritual instructions”  and hold the postures we achieve a bodily induced shifting of consciousness; a trance experience. The outcome of this is the systematic process we call “The Cuyamungue Method.”

For our 36-year history we’ve been nurturing this deeper understanding how we achieve a bodily induced shifting of consciousness through Ritual Posture.  We have found that ordinary people can have quite extraordinary experiences. Join us – You can have this direct access to the Alternate Reality, and these deep experiences as well!

As always, I’d like to hear from you. We continue to collect stories and articles from both beginners and advanced practitioners. Let me know if I may share them here in this newsletter and on our website. Email me at More questions? Get in touch with me. We’d love to learn more about you and how you got here and how the Cuyamungue Method has enhanced your life.

Paul Robear
President / Executive Director

Please take a moment to review the news, articles and experiences shared below:

In this issue:

  • Article: The Rise of the Thunderbird by Paul Robear
  • Article: Progress Report for CI  by Laura Lee
  • Workshops and Events: Note updates, additions, and changes to our schedule.
  • Centennial Conference:  June 2014 – early registration is now beginning.

SCROLL DOWN for Articles and Links

Rise of the Thunderbird by Paul Robear
This story begins with the decision to construct a new building at the Institute in anticipation of the Centennial. First, we had received an anonymous donation to help build a dance platform.  At the 2012 board meeting, I had proposed to get this built in time for the Centennial. The more I thought about it the more I dreamed of an enclosed building…  and why not build a structure large enough to comfortably accommodate all those who may show up? I’ve had this dream of adding a building since my first visit to the Institute in the early 1990’s. Easier said than done, and of course significant fundraising is necessary, but I felt the time is now, got the Board of Directors approval and began construction.

The project began in earnest when I returned to CI in early April of 2013. My wife Laura was delayed for several weeks on other business, the first workshop was two months away, and I knew this was my opportunity to get going on this dream. I started by walking the land, until one particular site seemed to call to me. It was backed by a tall hill, facing east, at the edge of a deep arroyo, just off the entrance to the dance court. There was a very few remnants of the past sweat lodge that was located in this area years ago and the sense of a strong presence lingered even now.  Continue to complete article.

Progress Report for the Cuyamungue Institute
by Laura Lee, Director of Outreach and Development

Paul and I were looking back on the last two years of our volunteering for CI, and taking stock on what on our very long to-do list we have checked off. While this list continues to grow (outpacing us by a mile) Here is a progress report and thanks to all those who have supported CI in so many ways. Please see the extensive list of contributors at the end of this article.

On your next visit to the CI, you will notice the facilities have undergone a bit of a make-over over the last two years, including the addition of a new building! The CI Website has grown with new features (and more planned) including listings of teachers and workshops at CI, around the country, and abroad. The calendar was filled with workshops and events, and our once a month Santa Fe gatherings – the work has been very well received and attended by locals. Two long-time teachers began trials for new studies to document the safe, natural but profound physiological shifts that occur during practice of the Cuyamungue Method, and CI received added exposure with new books and publications.

As we gear up for a dynamic 2014, it’s been encouraging to review the progress of the last two years in detail.
Continue to complete article.

Sacred Hoop Magazine – Featured story on the Cuyamungue Institute
The Cuyamungue Institute was featured in the fall issue of Sacred Hoop Magazine – a total of 9 pages! It begins with an introduction to the work of Dr. Goodman and the Cuyamungue Institute by Laura Lee followed by a fresh perspective from a first time participant at the Institute, Duane Marcus.

The article is provided in a large PDF format so it may take a moment for it to open. Continue to article.


Solstice Celebration – June 16th – 22nd, 2014 Felicitas Goodman, founder of Cuyamungue Institute
2014 marks the 100th anniversary of Felicitas’ arrival on this planet. We want to mark the year with a special, international event at Cuyamungue to honor her life and work, welcoming all cultures, languages and including all those around the world who are carrying on her legacy. We will come together, both in person and via the Internet, to share stories of Felicitas and what her work means to us. This event is open to all, and we would your  encourage your participation. Space is limited… continue  to more Information

Invest in yourself! Here is the 2013 workshop schedule at the Cuyamungue Institute.

Solstice Celebration – June 16th – 22nd, 2014 – 2014 marks the 100th anniversary of the arrival on this planet of our founder, Felicitas Goodman. We want to mark the year with a special, international event at Cuyamungue to honor her life and work, welcoming all cultures, languages and including all those around the world who are carrying on her legacy. We will come together, both in person and via the Internet, to share stories of Felicitas and what her work means to us. This event is open to all, and we would your  encourage your participation. Space is limited… continue  to more Information

July 10th – 13th, 2014 – Initiatory Training Workshop – Paul Robear and Laura Lee. A powerful, compacted introduction to this work. You will be introduced to a succession of trance experiences and initiation. Enjoy the power of the group experience. More Information

August 13 – August 17, 2014:Instructor Training and Certification – How to teach the safe and simple six-step process, known as the Cuyamungue Method.

August 19 – August 24, 2014Masked Trance Dance –  Adventure into the depth of inspiration and intuitive guidance as we make masks, costumes, and our experiences will create a mythic story and end in a creation a sacred dance . Masked Trance Dance is a workshop that is a centerpiece at the Cuyamungue Institute . The workshop includes using The Cuyamungue Method to journey to the home of the animal spirits, then makes masks and costumes in preparation to for a ritual dance that the group creates based on guidance offered during the Tennessee Diviner trance posture ritual. The ritual dance that emerges from integrating the group’s collective trance experiences tells a mythic story and culminates in a metamorphosis dance.

October 1 – 5: Second Annual Men’s Conclave – This gathering provides a chance for us to share as friends, mentors, brothers, fathers, sons and share the power of the Cuyamungue Method as a group. The current climate around the world, socially, environmentally, politically and spiritually requires us to be fully functioning human beings and authentic, spiritual warriors. The experience of expanded consciousness can facilitate better leadership capabilities, creative problem solving, and collaborative decision making. Email me directly at for more information.

Want to more information? Email us and we will answer your questions and connect you directly with the workshop instructor(s).

MORE TO COME – Make your plans now, come experience the special power of the land and enjoy the benefits of going deep into the posture experiences   People walk away stimulated, engaged, and inspired. There may be adjustments to dates, times and details, and additional events and workshops will be added. Much more detail to follow in the near future.

Want to more information? Email us and we will answer your questions and connect you directly with the workshop instructor(s).

Our Mission Statement:  More than ever there is a vital need to live more fully by embracing the sacred. In response to this need our mission is transforming consciousness through the ancient wisdom of ritual postures. As a nonprofit educational organization, the Cuyamungue Institute promotes public awareness and teaches the powerful use and effectiveness of these postures throughout the world. We are dedicated to preserving our land in Santa Fe, New Mexico as a sacred center and worldwide archival and research headquarters.

We need your support! The Cuyamungue Institute is an independent 401(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. The Cuyamungue Institute, like many non-profit organizations, has limited resources. Each one of us can make a difference in our own way – some have the resources to provide financial support, while others have talents which they can share as a committed volunteers. We must always continue to ask the question – “How can I make a difference?” Once we answer the question we need to act. We are proud of the scope of work we have already accomplished, but this is just the beginning — there is much more to do! Here’s how you can participate:

  • Be a Volunteer – Ask about existing, on-going projects you can help with. Or suggest projects that you can work on, fund, or both!
  • Attend workshops at the Institute – Bless yourself and  the Institute. CI Workshop fees directly support maintenance of the land and buildings.
  • Personal Donations – 100% of your donations and gifts go directly to the Institute, and are tax deductible.
  • Corporate Donations – Your company can have a tremendous impact. Ask us how we can bring our work to your visionaries and leaders!

Also consider making a donation by clicking here. Ongoing research and new applications of this work is only possible with donations made by people like you. Laura Lee, our Director of Outreach and Development, is available to answer your questions and to provide more information. Contact her at Thanks for reading! Please forward this to your friends and acquaintances who will enjoy learning more about us — and please let me hear from you! I am most happy answer andy and all questions about the Institute or the Cuyamungue Method. We welcome all correspondence.

Email me directly at .
Paul Robear
President / Executive Director
Cuyamungue – The Felicitas D. Goodman Institute
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