regional event

The following is workshops and events at different locations. Browse the events in chronological order below.  To view events being held at The Cuyamungue Institute in New Mexico click here.

To register, obtain information, get fees and/or locations for any of the listed workshops, please contact the person or organization listed below as “contact person”. The Institute does not register participants for any of these courses and will refer you to the listed contact for any information beyond that provided here.

Workshop Events

Monthly Posture Group – Philadelphia PA
Monthly Posture Group the Second Friday of Each Month
We meet in a southwestern suburb of of Philadelphia.
Time is 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Bring a snack to share, paper and pen to write the results
of your trance. Be prepared for both laughter and solemn moments.
The tuition is $10.
Contact 610 874 3346;
Lisa Woodside, PhD, Certified Instructor


Earth Alive! Making Relations with the Spirits of Home
Sue Birch Bannister & Nick Brink
assisted by Suzanne Roberts

In this weekend workshop we reawaken our relationship to Gaia, our Earth, through the practice of Ecstatic Trance Postures as developed and taught by anthropologist Felicitas Goodman. Dr. Goodman saw the potential of Ecstatic Trance to bring a further spiritual dimension to the environmental movement through the recognition of other natural beings as beings in their own right and for their own sake. With this humble intention we explore postures of Metamorphosis and Divination, practices of ancient origin in our human ancestry, as we journey with the spirits of our living Earth. Through metamorphosis we enter a direct experience of diverse life forms. Through divination we seek guidance for deeper understanding of our personal and collective visionary experiences, and learn, in this world of reciprocity, what we have to offer the spirits in return.

It has been said that it is a sad commentary on modern life that the spirits have been reduced to archetypes. This need not be so.
Join Sue Birch Bannister, Jungian oriented therapist, and Nick Brink, author of The Power of Ecstatic Trance, both certified instructors of the Cuyamungue Method, as we become directly reacquainted with the spirits themselves through ecstatic trance postures, and reignite the everyday magic that surrounds us!

WHERE: Millheim, PA (25 miles East of State College)
WHEN: July 25-27, 2014, Friday evening, all day Saturday, Sunday until 12:30 pm.
REGISTRATION FEE: Early registration before June 15, $110; after June 15, $135 (includes Friday supper and Sunday breakfast, accommodation not included)
TO REGISTER: Send check payable to Nick Brink, P.O. Box 94, Coburn, PA 16832.
For additional information contact Nick Brink at:

Accommodations within walking distance of workshop site:
Triple Creek Lodge (closest): 106 E. Main St., Millheim. Phone Beverly, 814-303-9393. Check it out on Facebook.
Long Lane Flowers: Three rooms, 2 with double beds, and one with 2 twins each for $85/night/room if for two nights. Phone Susan 1-814-349-5683.
The Three Porches: 161 E. Main St., Millheim. Phone Bonnie 814-349-7275.
Check it out on website. Three rooms from $65 to $145/night with breakfast.

Susan Birch Bannister, M.A., J.D. A therapist for over 30 years, Sue’s practice has been grounded in dreamwork, Jungian psychology, family systems, earth traditions, social justice, and community. She is a group facilitator, mediator, trainer, and retreat leader. She has served on the core group of the Baltimore Jung Working Group since its founding. Sue began ecstatic trance work with Felicitias Goodman in 1993, initiating an ongoing relationship with Felicitas, Cuyamungue, and the remarkable practice recovered by Dr. Goodman. She is a Certified Instructor with the Cuyamungue Institute, hosts an ongoing Ecstatic Trance group in Maryland, and recently organized a Grandmothers Retreat for woman elders of the Cuyamungue Institute.

Nicholas Brink, Ph.D. Before Nick discovered the work of Felicitas Goodman and the power of ecstatic trance in 2007 he was a practicing clinical psychologist (PhD, UCLA, 1970) and extensively used hypnosis and dreamwork in his practice. He is past president of The American Association for the Study of Mental Imagery, past board member of The International Association for the Study of Dreams and author of three books — Grendel and His Mother: Healing the Traumas of Childhood Through Dreams, Imagery and Hypnosis; The Power of Ecstatic Trance: Practices for Healing, Spiritual Growth and Accessing the Universal Mind; and Baldr’s Magic: The Power of Norse Shamanism and Ecstatic Trance. He is the book review editor of the journal Imagination, Cognition and Personality. Since 2007, he has led a monthly ecstatic trance group in Central Pennsylvania.

Suzanne Roberts is a teacher from Annapolis, MD who has practiced ecstatic trance postures for 17 years, beginning as a teenager. She is in training as an instructor with the Cuyamungue Institute.

Workshop: October 24th – 26th, 2014

Location: Germany: The Swabian Jura, (Schwäbische Alb) sometimes also named Swabian Alps in English, is a low mountain range in Baden-Württemberg, Germany.

Instructors: Annette Ki Salmen and Gudrun Fischer

This gathering will be include a trance posture in the cave where the oldest known example of prehistoric art – a female figure known as the “Venus of Schelklingen” – was discovered.

The seminar will be held in German with an English translation. Translation and assistance is provided by Bettina Duesmann. There are no special preconditions for enrolment. Beginners will receive a short introduction in the technique. – more information