by Paul Robear, President / Executive Director, Cuyamungue Institute.         July 1st, 2024

With the expanding power and application of AI, the question arises how will humanity balance advancement with the “inner technology” of the human spirit.  Maintaining a balance between AI technology and human consciousness (I AM) approaches is crucial for several reasons.

AI can perform tasks with high efficiency and accuracy but lacks consciousness and emotional intelligence. We need a balance that ensures that AI is used to augment human capabilities without undermining human dignity and autonomy. Currently, AI can assist in decision-making but may also lack transparency and accountability. We must make sure decisions are made with ethical considerations and accountability.  When looking from the perspective our inner I AM technology, I will quote Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a great mystic of the 20th century. he wrote:

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.

We need to continue to explore and develop our own inner I AM technology.  We need direct experience. Spirit journeys, contemplation, meditation and ecstatic experiences are inextricably woven throughout the history of humanity.

As an institute that focuses on consciousness research and the direct experiences of Ritual Body Postures, we join a worldwide movement that recognizes the emerging Global Collective Consciousness that has the potential to advance our world at this critical stage of planetary evolution. In today’s world we need the integration of technology and spirituality, promoting a holistic view of progress that includes both AI and the I AM technologies.

Balancing the AI and I AM approaches is essential to ensure that technological advancements enhance human life without compromising ethical standards, social equity, psychological well-being, creativity, sustainability, and deeper existential values. This balance fosters a harmonious integration of technology into society, where AI serves as a tool to support and amplify human potential rather than overshadow it.