Roundtable of the North Star
by Laura Lee
A Special Invitation:
For Cuyamungue Institute’s many Donors, Volunteers, and Advisors:
Join our Zoom Gathering “Round Table of the North Star*”
Share Your Soul’s Promptings to Answer the Call to This Adventure* —
The One that Led You Here to Our CI Circle!
DATE: Friday, August 14th
TIME:  9-11 AM Pacific on ZOOM


thank you Martha Beck for “Follow Your North Star” and Joseph Campbell for “The Hero’s Journey”


We’ve been wanting to ask you all! We have, along with most of you, been surprised and delighted at how well this new online platform works for conducting group Ecstatic Trance Postures (ETP) session and sharing experiences. This has inspired us to keep it going from here forward, in addition to that hoped for time when we can gather again in person.

And while we have been focusing on hosting ETP in our Zooms, due to time constraints we’ve been missing another sacred ritual. So we’ve set aside time to fill in this missing piece. It’s how we begin every in-person workshop — on the first evening we gather, we sit in a circle around Grandfather Drum in The Hall of the Thunderbird, and pass around the talking stick to share stories of the path that led to the Cuyamungue Institute, and our circle. We find these stories so heartwarming, comforting, and fascinating.

So we have been wanting to hear your stories — What inner prompting, what North Star, lit your way here? What call to adventure are you answering? By here, we mean here in our CI Circle — and — standing at the portal to the larger Universe, in all the many ways you do so. The portals are many and varied …. we’re thankful you’ve added this one!
We thought that because this would be of most interest to those who have attended many of the Zoom sessions, and come to know one another. Let’s share our stories, and deepen our connections to both this work and one another. Zoom will work nicely for this, and being at home, you’ll likely have on hand your sacred and ritual tools. We thought this is a good opportunity, if you like, to hold up your rattle, drum, and other ritual items to add its voice as you share your story — its such a part of you, and your journey.
We scheduled the morning of Friday August 14th because we want to include those in our CI Circle who are in Europe, as America’s morning is Europe’s evening. Paul is pulling from our donor list, old and new, to send these invitations. We hope to see you there, for the first of special events, so also let us know what you’d like to see as CI continues to grow. Know that in this gathering, we won’t be fundraising or talking of future projects. We’ll only be sharing our soul’s stories, one by one, in sacred trust. We thank you for your support, your enthusiasm for this work, and sharing your wisdom and gifts with our tribe!
Laura Lee