Spiritual Keys: the Spiral Dance Pathway – Bat-Sheva Koren PhD

Spiritual Keys: the Spiral Dance Pathway
Bat-Sheva Koren PhD

This short article is an invitation to those curious about, and open to inquiry into the essence of the life-death cycle as we listen to the vibrations of this unique human beat. We are created on a continuum of Eternity – אין סוף (Eyn Sof) as a vibrating point in spirit and matter. You are invited to listen to this point in time and discern the way in which the Spirit (energy) is expressed in matter (the human body). At the end of this life cycle when matter goes through a process of metamorphosis and the body decays, what some call death, the spirit returns to infinity as energy. However, between the beginning and end lies a vast arena of astonishing life processes. One example was my awakening – יקיצה (ye-keetzah) in Direct Experience encountering the Spirit in the Spiral at “Rogum El Hiri”.

The “Rogum El Hiri” spiral in the Golan Heights in Israel is a sacred site serving as a door to the star Sirius, one of seven connected to the “lost” Lemuria Kingdom. The site was constructed on three levels; the last, according to archeological findings, created during the final breaths of the Atlantis dynasty (similar to the English Stonehenge or the Egyptian Giza). The site remains today a place broadcasting to those of us open to the cosmic energy enabling us to experience חוויה (chavayah), a spiritual awakening in the center of which is a unifying light – אור )orr) beckoning us. The spiritual network serves as a meeting place between sacred energy work and inter-planetary connections. With the passing of time its energy subsides with a new emerging consciousness among mortals, a sacred place returning to life.

As witnessed, even though only minute parts of its wholeness may be recognized, the site unfolded before me, beyond time, whole and erect, encompassing the space around it. All over our cosmos and around the globe we can recognize spirals in various forms. These spirals may, at times, appear as mandalas and serve as a window into ancient cultures; cultures that existed at different times, in different places, and then vanished.

What is the message of the spiral and its purpose?

The spiral weaves cosmic energy and translates it to signs and symbols that are visible in various places in the world and in our bodies. These signs and symbols create continuous connections into the primal, infinite web of creation, of energy sources; once deciphered they can be translated into a creative spiritual action. In its presence and precise manifestation, the spiral echoes as a tuning fork in a conductor’s hands creating connections of love emanating as a rhythm of Light and Energy.


For the one who walks inside the spiral and recognizes its Spirit – נשמה (neshamah) manifesting within themselves, it connects to the soul like a breath – נשימה (neshimah). While breathing in, the entire universe comes together and contracts, when breathing out it expands. Look into the spiral as words echo around you. Perhaps, you feel movement… hear a word, a musical note. Stop… find a quiet space… tune in to begin your journey. Close your eyes, open your chest, breathe deeply… in, out… concentrate… listen and enter the experience wherever it leads. Follow your heart, avoid judgment, self-interpretation. Listen to the spiral within perhaps messages will appear in “Direct Experience”… where we feel Oneness – שלמות (shleymut)! Instead of questioning why – למה (lamah) with ל (the Hebrew letter ‘lamed’) standing as a connection to heaven and earth in the experience, perhaps we should focus on what – מה (mah), a question that has the power to bring us, through action, closer to the core of creation. How can we translate this immediate experience into meaningful action in the here and now that will echo throughout?

What was the message the Golan Heights spiral signaled to me?

Planted in the Golan mountain range touching the Jordan River where I grew up, the spiral contains my childhood memories. The river serves as a border between two countries. Crossing it is only possible in a few places known to locals and mentioned in the Old Testament. As a child, crossing the Jordan to the other side involved taking life-threatening risks.

Today… at first from a birds eye view, at a distance, up on the hill, I noticed the spiral appearing, inviting me to listen humbly, in reverence, to whether I am worthy of entering this sacred space. I invite you, the reader, to open yourself up as the words at first echo my experience, while wrapping and accompanying you as you step in. Let us join together focusing briefly on the center of the spiral, its void – ריק (reek) forming a connection to Infinity – אין סוף (Eyn Sof). As individuals, and as a society, we now, more than ever, face a choice that emerges out of carefully listening – הקשבה (hakshavah) to the Spirit. If we answer with yes – כן (ken), we may decide to engage in the task of creating a spiritual society Now – כאן (kan)!

The following two day narrative writing of an awakening – יקיצה (ye-keetzah) is laced with sparks of my experience and dreams bridging between worlds… now – הווה (hoveh) in Pure Consciousness – תודעה טהורה (toda-ah tehorah) that speaks the wisdom of Love in “Direct experience”… the Truth. I am called to share my personal experience – חוויה (chavayah) with you, one that writes itself… sentences that emerge in Authentic Movement as an Ecstatic Pose… Presence – הוויה (havayah). It calls me to fulfill my life, in action, accompanying the spiritual journey of both individuals and groups. While the body serves a temporary manifested spiritual energetic chariot, the soul completes its journey on earth free from the bonds of matter, returning to Eternity – the Eyn Sof, as vibrating energy.

If we tune in intentionally, we can learn to listen, to read, and may connect with messages emerging in a state of pure consciousness. We may encounter the knowing wisdom internally within ourselves, or alternately in those light cosmic junctions, as the spiral directs us, speaking the language of light and love… unity – אחדות (achdut). Will you join me on a journey of discovery, revelation and action towards light and love where Truth is revealed? In Wisdom… one is a witness… a Seer… a Presence of and a pre-creation symbol.
Seer יקיצה
“Direct Experience”
in Rujum-El Hiri

Listening – הקשבה… hearing… walking slowly… heel to toe… walking counter clockwise toward the rising sun in the east…
Arriving… we arrived from the west… trying to walk on Rujum al Hiri’s huge boulders in a large circle!
The sun high up… before my eyes… eyes tearing… the sun, golden rays… coloring.
Surrounded by thorns and large dry clods that have dried after the cold Golan storms, snakes, scorpions in the soil of a pit… at the center, a mound rises… far away from me… at the center of the last spiral… the central circle.
Walking cautiously in reverence… eyes slightly closed… a vast space… bounded by boulders… circles within circles of rocks… only see some.
The eye does not grasp all… only an image of a memory completes the picture. “Where am I?”… I see a spiral at the center!
Careful… attentive… continuing… eastward… sideways first… toe to heel… a circle is formed… Walking, walking… a sign… an entrance to the center?
Passing… two huge boulders… an invitation? To the spiral… the center… the last circle.

Walking in a circle… sideways… at the foot… its sides… but quickly climbing stones… encircling the mound… 7 times… as is written ‘and the walls of the city fell (עי)’. Ascending… still walking rocks marking the spiral, walking the circles of the spiral growing smaller and smaller…

Walking slowly to the rhythm of breathing… contracting… yet expanding to its fullness… my heart’s drum beats loudly… guiding.
Ascending the mound… two spiral circles… a path opens in the soft soil… inviting descent from the boulders into the holy center of the spiral… open… a sacred area beckoning me…
The path disappears, ends, and only the boulders covering a hidden space support the center of the circle above…
The entrance and its foyer…
Crawling carefully, entering…
A small space… a wide, square of light opens… glows.
In the void… the light of Creation!
Light… closing eyes…
A moment, in the eye of infinity… infinity… light – אור (orr)
Silence vibrating.
Fading, surrendering in nothingness…
starry night rising in the light.

Crossed legs, lotus… gathered, yet open… glowing light… endlessly!
Bow in thanks… head touching the ground.

The base is widening while the knees bend… a temple is created…
The heart’s drum resonates…
The palms gathered to the chest…
Opening up in the full light… passing, rising from the depths, goes within and through…
continuing, up, up and above …
Silence… a dim light vibrates motionless, as a deep, low voice… haaaaaaaaaAAA…
silence sounds within… rising.

Love… light…
The Eternal Flame, lights… timeless… beyond time… lingering.
I will return… come back
Lights… moving… exiting up through the opening of the birth canal, up into the daily light… entering… daylight… suddenly revealing
a narrow opening between the boulders above. A Birth … Creation!

I visited Rujum-el Hiri… I moved… and was Being moved.
The next day… I did not know where I was being invited to…
That night, a dream… vibrating… An Awakening – יקיצה (ye-keetzah)… Seers in the
dream… triangles forming the shields of David, as the stars in the sky… centralizing lines…
forming textures… illuminating galaxies… a white-bluish-gold texture… floating. I
am… being stopped… surfing… Seers… centers getting closer, merging and dividing.
Bridging… I’ve been called, connecting… creating more, beckoned to the task… Connections.

At dawn I wake up from a dream… excited … still vibrating. Awakening, in a dream… of Connection: connecting and linking messages… in “Direct Experience”.
And then…
Entering… movement by choice…
Walking in circles… in circles… circling “I am being Moved”… led… walking, walking,
walking… going in, going in…. meeting, meeting… meeting again…
Dim mist fog rises and melts with every step… hugging, inviting… on and on. I am hugged,
wrapping… I am wrapped in light… revealed, exposed in each capillary. The dim
sharpens… sharpens….. sharp… familiar… yet diving into the unknown… then again, known… familiar.
A diving… into nothingness… into איין, a void.

Standing… feet fully opened… the temple base in bending knees, visible, molded!

Not created… but rising and revealed… always been… but now…
Circles, circles are formed in the space between them… as they rotate, the body rotates
alongside its broad base…
The hands… elbows bent… raised to the sides of the body… palms facing the sky… holding, forming, simultaneously, circling… circles…
Glowing light…
Circles, circles of light flickering, a body of light propelled.
Hands move nearer in it…
Palms approaching… touching each other – up… a rhombus in them…
palms descending, at the key of the heart.
Silence descends… Circular motion stops… giving thanks.

Slowly descend to the ground… in closeness… invited, received… mother… mother earth
embracing, protecting me …
Restfulness… envelops, comes down… covers…
resting in the utter silence. Suddenly bird chirping is heard… emphasizing the sanctity of the moment… the passing moment.
The spine rests… supported by a complete, full embrace…utter silence… on the back…
Hands rise, fingers slide together up and up into the sky … turn over face up and palms down.
Simultaneously, legs rise, knees are bent… supported by the feet on the ground… knees open to the sides, touching the ground.
Feet touching each other… two triangles, close together… merged… a rhombus in formation on the ground… visible, exposed, fixed.
Elbows descend slightly towards the ground… a rhombus of two triangles, formed in space, in the air… visible, exposed… permanent.

Four triangles… a vibrating Ecstatic Posture.
Palms separate, the intertwined fingers released… hands extending from the arms, open from the shoulder, spreading into the distance, to the sides to infinity… approaching each other again… over the head, a precise triangle is formed on the ground…
Mother Earth Embracing.
Simultaneously, hips pull feet up,
Knees pulling, changing in motion the direction of the triangle formed… first a triangle, its
vertex pointing far, far away pulling legs beyond… to infinity. Its end … at the knees rests a
triangle… joins two triangles… present… showing continuity together. Overhead… to infinity!

Slowly the palms separate, hands straighten from the center of the body, from the opening chest, from the shoulders that are filled with an openness… and arms continue far, far away… pulled to the ground…
On their way to a meeting. A meeting of hands, getting closer, closer, touching each other…
hugged… resting…
In the passage of the leg’s connections, in the center… a triangle is formed… resting on a
triangle, a visible Star of David is formed in the blazing fire.
Light fills the center of the interlocking triangles, one Union.

Vibrating… motionless… Sanctity of Creation…
Love Vibration… in the Center of Creation….
Steered, in flowing movement a source of eternity… creating, a seventh point… in the center…
Star of David… the Spirit Chariot…

In it, arms are pulled, driving, pulling the elbows up, the two vertices of the triangles moving
slightly away… pointing to a center of nature’s creation, of human life – ברייה (bree-yah) emerging.

Seers Creation – בריאה (breeah).
Man – אדם (Adam) created… a Creation of Light.
Earth – אדמ-ה (Adam-ah).
Female – אש-ה (eeshah).
Fire – אש (esh).

AMEN… giving thanks. Awakening in, “Direct Experience”…