What Does Certified Mean?

In the context of the Cuyamungue Institute, when we use the term “certified” to mean “Certification of Completion.”

Certification indicates that the required training has been achieved – it means an individual has completed the steps required to represent the teaching of Dr. Felicitas Goodman and the Cuyamungue Institute. The individual has completed a certain number of training hours, including written and practical proficiencies as well as field work.

Unfortunately, in today’s litigious society,  we as instructors , like other professionals, can be subject to claims of negligence etc… That is why we recommend you use a wavier / hold harmless agreement to protect yourself as independent instructors. Using a proper wavier / hold harmless agreement is about protection – for you and your family. Each state has its own rules, and protocol, so we cannot give you legal advice, it is best to consult your own local attorney if you have questions.  The Cuyamungue Institute is an educational organization only, and cannot be held responsible for how individual instructors interpret, adapt or use the Cuyamungue Method once training is completed. We can only recommend that all instruction of the Cuyamungue Method be done in the way and steps specified by Dr. Goodman.  As has always been our policy, instructors and participants accepts that any classes or instruction undertaken are solely the responsibility of the user and that the Cuyamungue Institute will not be held responsible or liable for any reason as a result of undertaking any classes or instruction.

You must not use any Cuyamungue Institute™ Intellectual Property or Materials to promote or describe any other forms or methods of training/instruction, or offer any third-party training, products or services under the Cuyamungue Institute™ name, logo or other Cuyamungue Institute™ Intellectual Property.  Using your Cuyamungue Institute™ certified status or any Cuyamungue Institute™ name or other Intellectual Property to advertise, or promote any non-Cuyamungue Institute™ training, practice, products or services is prohibited.

Appropriate Conduct.  You acknowledge that you are not our employee or agent, and do not have authority to enter into any legal agreements or bind us in any way.  Nevertheless, you understand that, as a licensee of the Cuyamungue Institute™ Intellectual Property, you represent our brand to the public.  Accordingly, you agree to act in a legal, professional, non-detrimental, non-disruptive, and appropriate manner at all times. Without limitation, this means you will not act in any lewd, sexist, racist, discriminatory, off-color, illegal, or other inappropriate or offensive manner, or in any manner that diminishes the value of the Cuyamungue Institute™ Intellectual Property or associated goodwill, or the Cuyamungue Institute™ Materials.  We reserve the right to determine, in our sole discretion, what types of conduct are detrimental, disruptive or inappropriate for our brand and public image.  This Agreement may be terminated immediately by us for any inappropriate conduct by you.

Recertification: We reserve the right to revise these policies as needed to improve the program. we reserve the right to require additional instructor classes designed to strengthen our instructor program. We reserve the right to require additional training or to change and/or modify these requirements from time to time

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