Workshops and Events

The following gatherings and events are at different locations around the world. Browse the events in chronological order below.  To view events being held at our home, The Cuyamungue Institute in Santa Fe, New Mexico click here.

To register, obtain information, get fees and/or locations for any of the listed workshops, please contact the person or organization listed below as “contact person”. The Institute does not register participants for any of these courses and will refer you to the listed contact for any information beyond that provided here.

Workshop - Ancient Ritual Postures

Friday April 3rd, 2020

An Introduction to the ritual.This one-day workshop in a beautiful wooded setting is the perfect opportunity to learn the method and practice for using Ancient Ritual Postures.
"Beginning at least 36,000 years ago indigenous people around the world were creating artifacts of ritual body postures. Anthropologist Dr. Felicitas Goodman discovered that these artworks act as visual instructions for using the body’s natural ability to expand our spiritual experience." 

Join Belinda Gore in creating ritual with these ancient postures that help our bodies remember how to be in relationship with the spirits that our ancestors honored.
Belinda Gore

Monthly Posture Group - Philadelphia PA

Monthly Posture Group the Second Friday of Each Month We meet in a southwestern suburb of of Philadelphia.

Time is 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm Bring a snack to share, paper and pen to write the results of your trance. Be prepared for both laughter and solemn moments.

Contact 610 874 3346; Lisa Woodside, PhD,

Monthly Posture Group - Placitas, New Mexico

First Saturday of each month from 10 AM-Noon

Bring a journal to write or draw your experience. Optional potluck and conversation afterwards.

Contact Lilith Ren, Certified Instructor, for more information: