CI 40th anniversary Celebration: International Instructors Conference 2018

The purpose of this conference is to bring together the community of International instructors to celebrate the anniversary of the Cuyamungue Institute and to honor the life and work of our founder, Dr. Felicitas Goodman.  It was in 1978 that Dr. Felicitas Goodman officially established CI as an non-profit educational organization in 1978, so 2018 marks our 40th year! The focus will be on building community, and continue to share and expand the Ecstatic Trance Posture research and experience.  Also, we will review and share the steps of the Cuyamungue Method to strengthen and unify our teachning method.  The symposium itself will include a series of round table panels, presentations, rituals, ceremonies. twice daily postures in the kiva,  discussion on posture verification  and community building. As the Conference coordinator , I wanted to ensure that everyone is fully involved in the event, and all participation was not only welcomed but encouraged.

Thank you,

Paul Robear
President / Executive Director


Hosted by: Cuyamungue Institute
Santa Fe, NM  – Summer 2018
up to Seven days
June 0r July 2016?  Dates to be announced (International members please send me your preference)

What sort of events should be expected?
Plans include presentations, daily rituals, experiences with ritual postures, In a community setting we will focus on healing, deepening our spiritual connection by joining together.  We will create a powerful circle, with ceremonial activities tailor-made for a this occasion. Join our community, share ideas, take part in this profound work, and honor the Spirits of this land.  This event aims is to help sustain our sense of community and give support and inspiration between and beyond workshops.

Who is Invited?

This event is intended for our worldwide certified instructor community.  If you need to update your yearly certification here is the information:

  • In many cases International Instructors have a different structure for maintaining certification so the above linked page may not apply to you – contact me if you have questions.

How to Register for the Conference
Keeping in mind that this is also a fundraiser, so we have provided a suggested donation schedule below. There will be significant costs for the Institute to host this event so we had to find an amount to support this effort. Food is included but you are welcome to bring you own if you have a restrictive special diet.  Details subject to change.

We are setting up a few tiers to make it flexible for people to attend:

3 days participation ……………………………….. $350. ($450. after April 1st, 2018)

7 days participation ……………………………….. $650. ($750. after April 1st, 2018)

Additional days ………………………………………… $100. (needs to be prepaid) **

** We remain flexible and International travelers may come a few days earlier or stay a few days later to help with the travel arrangements. Becuase of this, a seven day participant may arrive a day early or stay an extra night without charge. Beyond that the additional day fee kicks in.

To reserve your space, we will begin accepting deposits of $100. with the balance due before April 1st 2018.

How to make a Deposit? PayPal provides a way to use a credit card to make payments and you don’t need a PayPal account. The other option is to send a check to our address.

We have two options:

    • PayPal:


    • Check or Money Order:

US Funds – Send a check or money order *. Our address is:

October 15th to April 15th:

Cuyamungue Institute
PMB 240
685 Spring Street
Friday Harbor, WA. 98250

April 16th – October 14th:

Cuyamungue Institute
20-a Feather Catcher Road
Santa Fe, NM 87506

*Please also EMAIL me to notify me to look for a check is in the mail

Fundraising for the Land
All revenue collected during this event will go directly into a “Preserving the Land Fund”. The maintenance of our facilities and 472 acres of land is crucial so that we can preserve this amazing sanctuary for future generations.

One aspect of the CI mission statement is preserving the Institute land as an environmental and spiritual sanctuary.  Every decision Felicitas made included balancing the teaching of the ritual postures at CI while protect the delicate resources of the land.

The Board of Directors is committed to maintaining that vision. This will cause some inconvenience and will require cooperation with all participants. Driving very slow past our Pueblo neighbors for safety and to limit dust clouds. Car pooling to cut back on traffic. We have very limited parking. Our septic system and well are now more than fifty years old, both are still working only because of how respectful Felicitas was to these systems and replacement is very expensive. Our student buildings are rustic adobe style with no private accommodations. This also means that with a potentially large group not all participants will be able to stay on the land.

As we all come together for the common purpose of spiritual renewal and inspiration, all of these factors can be accomplished as a community. In fact, Felicitas felt that the stepping outside of the comfort of the western world amenities enhanced the shifting to an alternate reality.