April 28 – May 4, 2025
Join us this long-standing tradition at the Cuyamungue Institute!
THE MASKED TRANCE DANCE brings our collective visionary journeys over a week-long gathering to a theatrical culmination: a pageantry co-created by and performed for our larger “Cosmic Community” in the Alternate Reality.
Felicitas Goodman delighted in this homage to the old European custom of honoring Nature by embodying and celebrating our larger community in the Web of Life. Felicitas turned to Ritual Postures to work directly with the animal and elemental spirits to guide this affair. So, we invite the spirits to collaborate with us in the creation of the masks, costumes, choreography, and story line. It’s thrilling to see the coherency and profundity of what wants to emerge, as it all comes together— not from any one individual, not from the intellect, but through the ‘waking dream’ state of Ecstatic Trance. As advanced practitioners in our CI Community, we take a deep dive to discover:
- What animal animal spirit or element of Nature will come through you?
- What mask will you create, what message will be voiced through you?
- What symbols will you paint on your ritual robes?
- What ritual gestures and dance steps will you contribute to the collective choreography?
Layers of meaning are added, as we weave each of our contributions into the story and dance. As we don our masks and robes, and dance the dance, we feel our larger Cosmic Community dancing with us, through us, in celebration. It makes its presence known, in the field, and in our hearts, and we are reminded that even in our daily lives, something wiser and far more vast is there to guide and inspire us, every step of the way. (See History of Masked Trance Dances)
Course Structure & Details
To prepare for our journey together, this workshop includes three ZOOM sessions prior to coming together in-person.
We need time, without any pressure to recognize the animal spirit that best speaks to us individually. It is a special relationship and responsibility. It may happen immediately or it can also be subtle, like somebody whispering in your ear. They’re a calling for you to relate to the natural world in an expanded and transcendent way. It does not require force. All it takes is paying close attention to your experiences. Trust the process by putting aside both your beliefs and your disbeliefs.
Each session will be TWO Hours (9 am Pacific / 12 Noon Eastern) Will confirm this time slot after we see what works best with the majority of participants.
Friday, April 4th
Friday, April 11th
Friday, April 18th
Scheduling Conflict? It will be recorded but we strongly encourage live participation if at all possible.
*Dates may change after we have time to see what works best with the majority of participants.
WHO: Up to 16 participants max
WHAT: Cuyamungue Masked Trance Dance
WHEN: April 28th – May 4th
WHERE: Megalithic Domes – Landmark Extreme Home! Sedona Arizona
WHY: Using a series and sequence of Ritual Postures combined with masks, costumes, and sacred dance -this workshop is a unique opportunity to celebrate the beauty of life, connect with the wisdom of ancient traditions, and kindle the flame within your heart. Join us for an unforgettable experience of self-discovery and empowerment in the embrace of nature’s eternal cycles.
Participants can submit a proposal to present a 15 minute presentation on related topics and content. Your talk should be no longer than 10-15 minutes in length – Long enough to say something significant, but short enough to hold everyone’s attention. Once you have registered, email us the basic theme of your presentation so that we can build our schedule.
LOCATION: Our sacred space is Sedona, Arizona, 350 million years in the making. Nature took her time to sculpt these red rocks, through earth thrusts, sea changes, wind and rain. We are blessed beneath our feet with an ancient aquifer, supplied by snowmelt from the sacred mountains of Flagstaff. Desert plants are hardy survivors, adaptable, resilient, with a long history of water conservation. All lessons with can use today, known and practiced by the Sinagua, ancestors to the Hopi, who left their mark here. Writing in petroglyphs on the cliffs, they too journaled their spirit journeys. (See photos below)
In this Intensive we will:
- Greet the spirits of this land and sky
- Tune to the magnetic field generated by this iron-infused, red rock landscape
- Experience the energy flow inside the resonance acoustic chambers of these domes
- Activate our connection with Spirit through Ritual Postures, twice daily
- Come together in rituals for fire and water, earth and sky, sun and moon
- Share our goals and dreams in roundtable discussions
- Dance and sing with the Ancestors
- Greet the morning sun with walking meditations in the Rock Circle Labyrinth
- Stargaze under Sedona’s dark skies, around the campfire
- Take time to rest, reflect, restore
- Gain knowledge from collective wisdom and profound shared insights
- Engage in collaborative introspection, and contemplative sessions.
- Experience a sense of belonging not only to Earth but to the entire Universe, bridging your individuality with the fundamental forces molding the cosmos.
- Depart with a refreshed outlook, enabling you to perceive your life through the expansive lens of the universe.
- Join a shared journey, uniting participants in a collective experience.
- Individual and group activities
- Widening the bandwidth of perception
- Art and journaling
- Embodied movement
- Meditative moments
- Sharing our stories and life adventures
- Sacred ceremonies with fire and water blessings
- Earth and heart-centered practices
- Roundtable discussions to learn from one another, share our stories
- Listening for what Nature, also our co-facilitator, brings in for our journey together
Registration instructions are below
Workshop Objectives:
Exploring Personal Development & Revelation
- Using the power of selected Ritual Body Postures a means of self-discovery and growth.
- A chance to build and continue exploring personal strengths, including values, passions, and life experiences.
- We will have exercises and discussions to encourage participants to embrace their unique gifts and understand how they influence their perception of the world.
Cultivating Self-Awareness and Inner Knowledge
- Introducing mindful /self-reflection rituals to foster self-awareness and emotional freedom.
- Personal time to navigate our inner landscape with a fresh perspective.
- We will connect with each other, build meaningful relationships, and embrace diversity of ideas to enhance their understanding of different perspectives.
Sharing the Power of Ritual
We will be deeply engaged in daily ritual. Rituals hold a significant power and have been practiced by humans across cultures and time periods. Rituals provide the context for transformative experiences that mark personal or collective transitions.
The Community Effect: Amplifying the Emerging Experience
Gathering individuals together with a shared vision is incredibly powerful. When people come together with a shared vision, there is a collective energy and Spirit inspiration that emerges. Group trance posture sessions harnesses a unique and powerful collective energy, enhancing the individual and collective experience of the posture journey. The collective energy can deepen the trance posture experience for each participant. Also we have witnessed the birthing of synchronization and resonance among participants. Participants report that it generates a collective field of healing and transformation.
Cost $845.00 – Food and lodging included
Cost $895.00 – after January 15, 2015
Pay online – options below or
Mail check to:
Cuyamungue institute
PO Box 20843 – Sedona AZ 86341
Sending check? Let us know to look for your payment by check. Thank you.
Once registered we will send you detailed instructions on what items will be needed
to particpate in the Masked Trance Dance.
Includes 6 nights accommodation at the Sedona Domes in Sedona Arizona, dinners and brunch, coffee and tea. Our well taps into the water of an ancient aquifer fed by Flagstaff’s snowmelt, so no need to bring bottled water. Do bring your favorite beverages and some snacks and treats to share, and anything extra you need for a special diet. Please pay upon booking, or arrange a payment plan in advance. Best not to buy airline tickets prior to receiving confirmation of your registration. And we always encourage refundable airline tickets as a safety measure – for example: you have family obligations come up and will not be able to attend etc…
Cancellation Policy
- Cancellations prior to 60 days result in a refund minus a $100 cancellation fee.
- Cancellations prior to within 30-60 days result in a refund minus a $250 cancellation fee.
- Cancellations made less than 15-30 days prior to a workshop result in a 50% refund.
- Cancellations made less than 15 days prior to a workshop result is non-refundable.