Remembering Felicitas

January 30th was the 100th anniversary of the birth of Felicitas.  On that day I was in contact by many friends and students of Felicitas. Here is an excerpt from my communication with Nana Nauwald, the Director of the Felicitas Goodman Institute in Germany.   I enjoyed her touching tribute to Felcitas and felt others also would – Paul Robear

Dear Paul,
What an enjoyment to receive your friendly greetings today, the birth-day of our dear Felicitas!

She still is so alive in all my cells, that I physical sometimes can “feel” her, can hear her voice – so clear and also sometimes so strict and with this vibration of her humor, and always being so nosey to listen to something “new” from the field, she was interested in – if this was some new research of postures, some stories from “my shamanic experiences” in Peru or Nepal ….. or about the dinner, Bruno was cooking….

And I miss our phone calls on Mondays. There was no one else with whom I could change so intensive experiences, questions – without hiding my thought which sometimes have been – and still are – thoughts which didn’t walk a “straight” way, it was so inspiring to lift up with her many “curtains” of how something “has to be” from scientific or church-religious-view….

And I am so glad to see, that she is still alive in the seed she gave to us, the seed of the impulse of her work with the ritual body postures, the seed of showing us a way to enter by will – without addiction to “gurus”, hierachic believe-systems  the conciousness room where all informations and lif exists – in a steady movement of sound and colour, to get in contact with our own inner wisdom, to become more and more what we are: a sparkling part of the “first spirit of creation”.

So today Bruno and I did cook the special soup she did like so much as a remebrance of her time in south-Germany, where she lived for some years with her children: “Maultaschen”, a kind of pasta squares filled with meat or/and spinach in broth, did drink a glass of the red wine of south-Germany and did eat some of her favorite sweets, “Mon cherie”…..

Today we also sent to the members of our German institute a “Felicitas birthday-letter” in which some people did write about her meetings with Felicitas, and some who didn’t met her personaly did give their gratefulness to Felicitas.

On our institute-www you can find photos of Felicitas!

This saturday some of our people from the institute will come to our home, we will have a “Felicitas-birthday-party” in my studio, with a posture, cake, soup, cheese and all the stuff, Felicitas did like to eat. We will watch her film about glossolalie she did make in Yucatan.

Yes, Paul we will find a way of being part of the Felicitas-event in June in Cuyamungue.

So let’s meet tonight in “other reality” with a glass of some “spirit” and lets together honour Felicitas life – and also our life!

with a warm winter-hug,
best greetings also from Bruno,
