Q & A Sessions: Expanding our knowledge of Ecstatic Trance Postures

by Laura Lee

We love the dialogue with you! In lieu of time spent within our in-residence workshops to talk about your specific experiences with Ecstatic Trance Postures (ETP) and your general questions about the work, we have set up a series of one-hour Zoom sessions. This is a chance for us all to go deeper into the work of ETP in all aspects. These have been lively sessions! We will record and post at a later date. You can also email your questions and comments to and we encourage you to register in advance even if you are not sure you can attend — that saves us time when starting the session so we can get right to it. There is so much depth and breadth to this body of work, and this is just one of the many ways to share it with you.

Here is the next upcoming Q&A for May. We’ll update this page with the next session after this one ends.

Sunday May 17, 2020 09:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time

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Thank you!