Soul Retrieval

Soul Retrieval Workshop – May 3 –  6, 2013
Arrive May 3 afternoon/early evening. Workshop is May 4 till May 6 2013
Instructor: Ki Salmen

In situations of shock, great pain or abuse a person’s life can become so unbearable that soul parts become lost. This means they leave the person and go to an unknown place where they can no longer be accessed.

Following such a loss a person can have many different symptoms, such as tiredness, the feeling of not being in their own body any more, and lack of concentration. In addition there may be some physical illness. This work of retrieving soul parts with Body-Postures is a profound self healing process. The exciting news is: you can do it all yourself.

As participants we travel to another reality where we search for soul parts, bring them back and then get help to integrate these parts back where they belong. After the journey is complete we share our experiences in the group. The group leader then works with individuals to help them understand more about the situation where the original soul loss took place. Beginners are welcome as well as those who are familiar with the Body-Postures. Experienced participants will get extra teachings at the level on which they are currently working with the postures.

People with severe psychological or physical symptoms should check with us before registering.

Ki Salmen has a degree in educational Psychology and has worked in private practice since 1989. She has been teaching the Trance-Postures since 1996 and includes shamanic work from various traditions in her workshops. Ki lives in Germany with her husband and her daughter. You can find information about her work on her website

For registration please write to

Date: Arrive May 3 afternoon/early evening. Workshop is May 4 till May 6 2013
Cost: $450 – Food and lodging inclusive ($390 if booked by March 1, 2013)

Ki Salmen
Annette Ki Salmen discovered the Trance Postures in Felicitas Goodman’s book “Where the Spirits Ride the Wind” and has worked with them ever since. Ki was delighted to work with Felicitas on one of her last visits to Europe. With a degree in education and 30 years practical experience, Annette Ki Salmen works as an alternative therapist in private practice. She is trainer and teacher for the Felicitas-Goodman Institut in Germany and the Cuyamungue Institute in the USA. An important area of her work lies in the combination of classical therapy methods with ancient trance techniques and shamanic knowledge. One of Ki’s major interests at present is the study of Native American cosmologies and their ways of healing. Ki is the founder of the Lichtraum-Praxis and more recently the Bluebird Institute, where her individual and group work is concentrated. She is the author of a book about the Trance Posture Work which is published in Germany under the title &quotMohnfrau” — Poppy Pod Woman. She lives with her husband and her daughter in Germany in a small town near Dortmund. You can find more information about her work on her website