Buckminster Fuller’s Universe – Steven Sieden

Buckminster Fuller, futurist, designer, engineer, architect, innovator may be best known for the Geodesic Dome, but his legacy spans so much more. Steven Sieden says, “Bucky’s perspective, insight, and wisdom are more relevant today than ever. As he said, ‘its going to be everybody or nobody in humanity’s Final Exam’ and that’s what we here on Spaceship Earth are going through right now. Bucky gave us “tomorrow’s solutions” for our major challenges decades ago, by mirroring Nature. He asked us to build livingry, not Weaponry, to ‘do more with less’. He pointed out that Nature supports only what needs to be, and doesn’t build in right angles. His entire life is a testament to one what one individual can do.”

Says Laura Lee: “What I appreciate about Steven is how he makes Fuller’s terms such as “tensegrity” and philosophy accessible, tracing the cues he took from Nature, and translating them into futuristic designs and a roadmap for better use of resources and a future inclusive of us all. It’s an inspirational story of daring, imagination, vitality and pluck, and Steven is one of the few who dive into Fuller’s own accounts of his mystical and visionary breakthrough moments.

Steven Sieden, is the author of Buckminster Fuller’s Universe: His Life and Work, and A Fuller View: Buckminster Fuller’s Vision of Hope and Abundance for All and he’s at work on a third. Steven’s presentations on Fuller’s work have enchanted and awakened people of all ages to Bucky’s vision of “a world that works for everyone.”

Hosted by Laura Lee and Paul Robear. Conversation4Exploration, Conversation 4 Exploration, Conversation for Exploration, Cuyamungue: Felicitas D. Goodman Institute, The Laura Lee Show