Welcome from Paul & Laura

Directors of the Cuyamungue Institute

Six Minute overview – introduction to Ecstatic Trance Postures

Paul Robear, President and Executive Director
Laura Lee, Public Relations and Outreach Director

Cuyamungue Institute
A 501(c)3 Non Profit Educational Research Organization
Cuyamungue Institute
PO Box 20843
Sedona AZ 86341

Contact us

Hello and thank you for your interest in the Cuyamungue Institute (CI)! When we first interviewed CI’s founder, Dr. Felicitas D. Goodman on our nationally syndicated radio talk show twenty-three years ago, we never imagined that one day we’d be directing this institute and carrying on this work quite at this level. But what a ride its proven to be! And sure has kept us busy. We are teaching various CI workshops summers at CI’s Santa Fe HQ. winters in Maui and the greater Seattle area, and recently internationally — last year in Australia, this year in Paris and Munich.

With the help of volunteers we are collecting, compiling, transcribing and scanning Goodman’s writings. We’ve raised much-needed funds, upgraded CI’s facilities and added a meeting hall, and joined an archeological effort investigating a two-thousand year-old ancestral village on CI’s 527 acres on the northern edge of Santa Fe. We have built up workshop attendance, CI’s website, and CI’s newsletter frequency and subscription base, all ten fold. We’re working on several CI publications, a documentary, hosting special events including a second international teachers conference and a brain-mind research symposium, and busily “visioneering” CI’s future.

Want to learn more about this work? Attend an event?  Join any of these projects, or suggest one of your own? Just say hello? Ask a question and share your insights?  We’d love to hear from you —

And in the meantime, here are a few links to enjoy and learn more.

Article by Laura Lee

Our Workshop Schedule

Hope to see you soon!
Paul and Laura

Here is a few recent photos from our Paris presentation – more to come….

ddddddPaul LauraPaul WallLaura Paul Beach wood