The Bear Spirit Posture

By Paul Robear

Used as early as 6,000 BC, this posture involves visuals of bears or feeling bears doing something to you. It also will produce a great amount of heat, indicative of healing. If you see nothing but feel heat, it is still working. During this posture movement of your body can occur such as “dancing,” being “pushed,” leaning over, etc. Keep your position as best you can allow micro-movement.

Common elements of experience are; a profound sense of joy and deep love; a sense of someone always behind you; falling slightly backward – but someone there to catch you; opening, unzipping his body so that you can sit inside him; absorbing emotional & physical toxins; a giving of inner strength; being split open; dismembering; a receiving of a flow of energy; can sway, bounce, rock, shake, or dance – may jerk around like a rag doll, feel like you are being pushed, or loose your balance; may see helpers instead of the Bear Spirit – birds, snake…

The Bear Spirit Posture provides a consistently strong experience of healing when utilized in ecstatic trance. Among small societies around the world, the bear has been identified as the animal spirit most called upon for healing human ailments. In reporting on The Yavapai of southern California believed Bear was the first great shaman. The prototype for the Bear Spirit Posture is a Kwakiutl wood carving of a shaman standing in the posture with a huge bear standing behind him and presumably empowering him.

Stand with your feet parallel , about six inches apart, and your toes aimed straight ahead. Your knees should be slightly bent, removing any strain on your lower back that would occur if your knees were locked. This stance is consistent for most of the standing postures.

Gently roll both your hands , as though you are holding a small egg in the palm of each hand. Position your hands so that your folded fingers form a tall triangle over your navel. The first joint of the index finger of each hand should touch to form the apex of the triangle, with your thumbs resting one in front of the other, not one on top of the other. Your upper arms can rest easily at both sides of your body, so that your elbows are not sticking out. With your eyes closed, lean your head back as though you are looking at a point just above the line where the wall meets the ceiling.

Coming out of this trance, thank Grandfather Bear for his help. This posture can also be done on another’s behalf.