Instructor Training

We welcome your interest in becoming an Instructor of the Cuyamungue Method.  There are people around the world who have responded to a deep call to teach The Cuyamungue Method. The fact that you are here, investigating the process of becoming an instructor is the first step, thank you for your interest.  When you feel that call here are the steps to becoming certified as an instructor. Please feel free to contact us with any and all questions.

Statement of Purpose
Instructors teach The Cuyamungue Method and insights developed through research and the Network of certified instructors, and contribute data that supports the research and the Institute.

To qualify as an Instructor who teaches Ecstatic Trance, the applicant must have:

  • extensive experience and knowledge of the work of the Cuyamungue Institute
  • good communication skills.
  • ability and experience in handling groups.
  • a dynamic and empathetic personality.

Here is a brief overview of the process to become an instructor.  We have created a document to more fully explain the steps which is available upon request.

The Process – An Overview
The process for becoming certified as an Instructor:

The letter should include the following information:

  • current level of experience with the postures
  • related experience with non-ordinary states of consciousness.
  • why certification is being sought.

When accepted, the trainee is assigned a mentor to guide the training process

  • The trainee will attend a minimum of two introductory workshops.
  • The trainee will submit a case study tracking five ecstatic trance experiences using ritual postures to explore a specific issue or question.
  • The trainee will provide the mentor with a recording demonstrating the trainee’s ability to rattle for a 15 minute trance session.
  • The trainee will facilitate three informal individual or small group sessions using ritual postures for ecstatic trance.
  • At this point in the process, the trainee will attend a five-day workshop taught by an instructor certified by the Cuyamungue Institute to learn how to teach workshops using ritual postures for ecstatic trance.
  • Then the trainee will assist any certified instructors in facilitating three workshops. The trainee is not responsible for paying to attend the workshop but is not compensated for assisting and is responsible for transportation and accommodation expenses, if any.
  • Following the completion of 1-8, the trainee will attend a second five-day workshop taught by an instructor certified by the Cuyamungue Institute to instruct advanced information and methods for teaching categories of ritual postures.
  • When both the trainee and the mentor agree that certification requirements have been successfully met, the mentor will submit a letter of recommendation to the Cuyamungue Institute Board of Directors who will review and approve certification.

In order to maintain certification, Instructors agree:

  • to teach the material and methods developed by the Cuyamungue Institute.
  • to provide the Cuyamungue Institute with a list of the names and contact information for all participants in your workshops.
  • to participate in any additional training that may be required as a result of new research findings.
  • to be a paid up to date member of Cuyamungue Institute at all times.

What do we mean by certification?

In the context of the Cuyamungue Institute, when we use the term to mean “Certification of Completion.”
Certification indicates that the required training has been achieved – it means you have completed the steps required to represent the teaching of Dr. Felicitas Goodman and the Cuyamungue Institute. The individual has completed a certain number of training hours, including written and practical proficiencies as well as field work. —-> complete certification definition

We have an required annual Certification membership fee of $100 for the 12-month cycle.  Your participation maintains your active membership status with the Institute.