Transformative Power of Sound – Christina Grozik, Alexandru Anton, Michael Hovancsek

Sound is all around us, and inside of us. Ancient cultures and indigenous peoples have used sound to heal and to transform and today there is rapid advance in the the field of acoustic research documenting the healing properties of sound.

Christina Grozik traveled widely while writing, filming, and producing “Going Om”, a documentary exploring the potential to raise or lower the vibrations around us, and various modalities using sound for well-being. She writes, “Will sound, vibration and frequency be the medicine of the future? What if your words could literally change the world around you? Would you choose them more carefully? Are we capable of healing or hurting through sound vibration?”

Alexandru Anton graduated with a degree in Psychology and then pursued training in shamanic techniques and systemic constellations. He is also a practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism, and a Cuyamungue Institute Community Host. He says, “It was in 2010 that I had my first live encounter with throat-singing and ever since I’ve been fascinated by this singing style and how it affects our psyche. I have traveled to Tuva, Yakutia, Altai and Mongolia and for the past 10 years I have been leading workshops and supporting people to open up their voice and sing, and some to throat-sing.”

Mr. Michael Louis Hovancsek, PC, M.ED. is a counselor in Kent, OH and also visual artist filmmaker published author and musician. He has been performing exhibiting his art and producing art events for 30 years.

Hosted by Laura Lee and Paul Robear. Conversation4Exploration, Conversation 4 Exploration, Conversation for Exploration, Cuyamungue: Felicitas D. Goodman Institute, The Laura Lee Show