We are structuring our online gatherings to emulate the power and shared joy of group trance sessions, given the limitations and the opportunities of the Zoom platform
NEW TO ZOOM? For those who feel they need more time to get everything working, we will open the room 15 minutes early prior to our official start time for people to get acquainted with Zoom’s technology. Turn off all other programs to maximize your connection data. Make sure your audio is turned on — we will have background music on — and take a moment to follow the prompts to test your audio and mic. We will be watching the chatroom so put requests for help there, and if find your Zoom link doesn’t work, email us quickly to request a resend of the link.
More details: What do I need to know before attending an online experience on Zoom?
CHOOSE YOUR DEVICES FOR OPTIMAL AUDIO EXPERIENCE: Use whichever of your devices, phone or laptop or desktop, that has the best speakers. Plug it in so your battery doesn’t give out on you halfway through – we speak from experience. Zoom can be accessed on your laptop or desktop via a web browser. Portable devices such as phones, ipads, and tablets require downloading the Zoom app. As we progress through the ritual, we will be providing the 15-minutes of rattle/drum and you will hear that through the Zoom connection.
We’ve found that Zoom has an algorithm to detect persistent ambient noise that it dampens. It can mistake the rattling for this, and dampen it halfway through. While this is not required, however you can turn this off in your settings. Click the up arrow next to the microphone, and click “Audio settings” (last menu item). 3) Select Audio and Advanced – you will see options: “Suppress persistent background noise” and “Suppress intermittent background noise” – disable both.
LISTEN TO LIVE OR RECORDED: First time particpants may skip this however fell free if you feel inspired. Some may choose to play the rattling induction on your own device. So once we begin the Posture, you can mute or turn down the our audio on your device and play your own rattling audio track. We also invite you to consider purchasing CI’s new professionally recorded rattle/drum sound induction audio files, and load them on your phone or player ahead of time. This is the proper speed and rhythm needed. Get at least one of the rattle file (track one) and drum and rattle together (track 4) Find these at CI’s new online store for $6 each or the entire 4-track album for $20, with all proceeds supporting CI. Thank you for your support! ————> Rattling / Drumming sound induction audio online
LOG IN WINDOW: At our official start time, as everyone else logs in, you will see who is joining us as they pop up on screen. Greet us with a hello and your name and location as you arrive. After the 15-minute Meet & Greet window we ‘close the doors’ and begin our ritual. We are mindful of your time and the need to get underway. We will then mute everyone but you will hear and see us as we take you through the ritual.
PREP YOUR SACRED SPACE: For the ritual, we want to accommodate both those who have set up a home practice, and those who don’t have ritual tools on hand. Either way, get set up ahead of time. Again, ritual tools are not required, this is simply an invitation for those who want to join in.
Keep it simple. Choose a quiet room where you won’t be disturbed or interrupted. Turn off incoming calls. We place a message board at the front door so unexpected visitors can leave a written message rather than ring doorbell, knock, or call. Designate your sacred space within the room, at least large enough for you to stand. Arrange an adjacent spot to sit and place your computer or phone, with an outlet nearby or use an extension cord. Temporarily remove the small, everyday objects. Create a altar for your ritual items whether on a mat on the floor, or on a table. A candle and/or a stick of incense is nice, though not required. If you don’t have an offering on hand — cornmeal, rice, or similar — water is a lovely substitute, and will evaporate leaving no trace. Hold the container and bless it. Determine where East, South, West and North are. Some find it helpful to draw the directions on a sheet of paper, placing it on your altar as you would a compass. Place your journal and two pens nearby (again, we speak from experience).
PREP YOURSELF FOR OPTIMAL EXPERIENCE: We realize that no matter what time is chosen for a group so widely spread across time zones, this may require an adjustment in your schedule or bio-rhythms. Be mindful that your optimal experience will be on an empty stomach as digestion is an involved physiological process at odds with trance, also an involved physiological process. Have a snack or juice on hand to enjoy after the posture, especially if you have low blood sugar. We’re hoping weekends have the least chance of interfering with work schedules. We hope you’ve been sleeping well and are adequately rested. We advise doing a few gentle stretching exercises just prior to limber up.
POSTURE SELECTION: Once the doors are closed we will demonstrate the selected Posture and ask you to try it out. We will start with easy to hold, comfortable standing postures. In future, we will advise ahead of time for sitting postures requiring a chair or back support, or postures in which we lie on the floor. Hint: New Posture that you’ve not done before coming up!
FOLLOW ALONG: As Paul begins the ritual, follow along with each gesture. If your hands are empty, fill them with your heart energy by rubbing your hands together, then placing on your heart and reaching up to the heavens. If you have your ritual tools, use those too. We will begin by ‘activating’ our individual sacred spaces by walking around the perimeter with smudge and/or blessings, then smudge our self and our tools. Join us in acknowledging the Directions, holding up a pinch of your offering, or radiate energy from your hands. Paul will sound a gong to begin and end the five minutes of breath-work, with deep breaths in, pause, and out again.
ADJUST YOUR VOLUME: Before beginning his live rattling or drumming, Paul will rattle or drum for a few minute as a test for volume. The Rattle/Drum’s level will depend on the instrument used, and the distance to our microphone. This will give you time to either adjust the volume of the speakers on your end, or be poised to start playing the pre-loaded rattle/drum audio file on your own device (do set this volume level ahead of time) while turning the Zoom-fed audio down. If you go this route, you’ll still see Paul shaking the rattle for us. Just like old times 😉
JOURNALING: As the rattle/drum ends, have your journal and pens handy. You’ll have several minutes to write up your experiences.
SHARING EXPERIENCES: We go around for some experiences. Raise your hand to indicate what you would like to share. Paul will unmute you as you talk to the group. Think of it as passing the talking stick.
If we have a very large group, and again being mindful of everyone’s time, we have the option of using Zoom’s breakout rooms, which we will explain if needed.
SHARING WHAT’S IN OUR HEARTS: Once everyone has had a chance to share experiences, we can go around the circle again for those who wish to stay on, and share more deeply our experience in trance(s), how we are coping with the Pandemic, our thoughts on what it all means, and more, made all the more meaningful when we have bonded through our visit to the AR.
LET’S SAY THANKS AND DANCE! As Paul completes the final step of the ritual, leading the Spirits who have joined us out of our sacred space with a final offering and thanks, please join us in that final step as well, as we turn up the music and dance! So often in our visions, we are dancing with the spirits, and we view that as a prescription for joy. So let’s spend a few minutes integrating this sacred energy into every cell and breath we take.
THANK YOU — We want to thank you for taking the time to dance, celebrate, share, dive deep, speak from the heart, and being part of this vibrant community.
We send our heartfelt condolences to all suffering through this, and hope this gathering, and others like this, brings you peace.
We welcome your feedback, correspondence, written experiences, suggestions, comments and more to
Paul & Laura Lee