Application to offer a Summer Workshop

Cuyamungue Institute

Thank you for your interest in creating and facilitating a workshop at Cuyamungue Institute. The summer workshop season has always been the foundation, the heart of the Institute. It takes dedication, hard work, reaching out to everyone you know and in the end ever so rewarding. Using this form will help us add your workshop to our calendar quickly and accurately.

Check out the “Tips for Marketing Your Workshop.”

Application to offer a Summer Workshop

Your Name:
Your E-mail:
Co-teacher or Assistant:
Length of your workshop: : days
Starting: (eg Tues. Evening)
Ending: (eg Sat. afternoon)
Workshop Title:
Workshop Theme:
Location: (if not at The Cuyamungue Institute please specify)
The workshop season runs from April through October. Indicate the dates are you available to hold this workshop:
Description: (100 words or less, as you wish it to appear in promotional literature )
A sentence or two about you as it relates to you teaching this workshop, and a link to the instructor page with your full bio:
A sentence or two about your coteacher as it relates to them teaching this workshop, and a link to the instructor page with their full bio:
How will you market this workshop?
Workshop fee: The basic fee structure to charge participates is $100 a day. For Example if a workshop starts on a thursday evening and ends Sunday at noon the fee would be $300. (two full days plus two half days). I have read through the “Instructors Agreement” and agree to the terms.
Yes No (I have questions.)