Teaching at the Cuyamungue Institute

Certified Instructors Guidelines — The strength and success of this Institute depends on instructors in the field.  Certified Instructor Network members in good standing (is your yearly membership up-to-date?) are also eligible to offer workshops at the Institute during the workshop season, which runs from May 01 to October 01. You must contact us to find a spot in the schedule to compliment the regular workshops offered by the CI. Once all deposits have been received, to support your event, the Institute posts information about your workshop on the CI website and in the CI Newsletter. However, the success of your event depends on you. You will need to develop strategies to attract your group of participants. The most successful events are when Instructors bring students from their home territory. This why it becomes crucial to do regular local events. Teaching at the Institute is is governed by our specifically for teaching of Ecstatic Trance Postures only. Any additional trainings outside of the work of Dr. Felicitas Goodman that an Instructor plans to include must be cleared by the Board of Directors.

Workshop Application – Teaching at CI offers a great instructor opportunity in a unique setting. Please provide the following information:

  • Workshop Title & Description, both a long and shorter version are required.
  • Your bio and that of any suggested co-leaders or special guests headshot photos for each.
  • Photos will be cropped to a square. Photos taken by iPhone or tablet are fine.
  • Online application:

Workshop Agreement – This agreement must be signed prior to the workshop being added to the schedule.

Independent Agreement for Instructors – required.

Non-Refundable Deposit of $200 – This deposit holds your space on the CI Workshop Calendar and listing in the CI Newsletter and on the CI website. We will send you an invoice via PayPal once your workshop has been approved.

Cleaning Deposit
A cleaning deposit of $200 is required to cover professional cleaning crew. If you do your own clean-up and return CI to a “workshop ready” state, then the deposit will be returned to you.

Workshop Application. Filling out and sending this application is the first step to give us a better idea of your proposal and the dates you request:

Marketing Your Workshop — Workshops need participants! After we receive your deposit, CI will help promote your event, but remember you are independent contractor and CI is not responsible for how many people attend your workshop.  It is outside the capacity of CI to fill your workshop. We recommend you begin marketing your workshop immediately after you secure a time slot and make a deposit. The most successful instructors bring their students with them. Holding workshops in your own area creates a base of participants who will be inspired to join you at CI. Let everyone you have shared this work with know you are holding a workshop at CI. Use social media. See additional suggested strategies for marketing your workshop at

Instructor Agreement — Please read, sign, and submit with your application. This details the agreement for teaching at CI. As has always been CI’s policy, instructors and participants accept that any classes or instruction undertaken are solely the responsibility of the user and that the Cuyamungue Institute will not be held responsible or liable for any reason as a result of undertaking any classes or instruction. The Institute requires a signed copy of this agreement on file.

Wavier and Release Agreement. This is our standard wavier of liability.
FOR YOUR PROTECTION INSTRUCTORS MUST ENSURE THAT PARTICIPANTS SIGN A WAIVER. All waviers must be signed submitted prior to the start of the workshop.

Registration of Participants — Your potential participants will want to communicate directly with you about your workshop. You will also register participants and process workshop fees, just as you do for any workshop you hold in the field. Be sure to list your contact information, your policies, and how you wish to receive funds. You are fully responsible for the adiminstration of your event. Here is a sample registration form template that you may wish to copy and edit for your specific needs.

Collecting fees via PayPal — With online PayPal Invoicing, you can create and email invoices to participants in minutes, complete with a Pay Now button.  Participants need not have their own PayPal account to pay with credit card. This secure system has low transaction fees and no monthly charge. See how simply it is to use PayPal to collect workshop fees:

Costs to Teach at CI — CI collects $70 per day per student, with a minimum fee of six students, which covers basic supplies, and helps with the cost of electricity, water, insurance, and the on-going maintenance of the facilities and roads.  Instructors are responsible for food and special workshop expenses. Six students for a four day event would  mean a rental fee of $1680. to CI. The Instructor sets the workshop fee – our recommended fee for a four day event is $595.00

Arriving early to set up your workshop — Plan to arrive a day or two before your workshop to settle in and prepare. How early may depend upon the schedule of the previous workshop, and worked out on a case-by-case basis. This also allows time to do your grocery shopping.

Upon completion of your workshop — At the end of the workshop it is important to do a full inspection of all buildings – including the Kiva.  Make sure no one has left personal items.  We do not have a cleaning staff so we ask that you straightening up the facilities before departure. The kitchen should be clean. Sometimes there is only one day between workshops so it becomes important to help leave the Institute ready.  We find not all students are in a hurry to depart and are very willing to help with the clean-up directly after the end of the workshop. Please refer to the above “Cleaning Deposit” guidelines. Thank you.

All participant information is required to be submitted to CI and everyone receives a free newsletter subscription.

If your proposed workshop is accepted, the title, descriptions and biographical statements from your proposal form may be edited for length and clarity. Every effort will be made to retain key details if text must be adjusted to fit in CI publications.