April 2015

Letter From The President
by Paul Robear

One the exciting aspects of my role as director of the Cuyamungue Institute is my on-going journey of exploration as I follow the clues and connections that help me put the work of Dr. Goodman into larger context. I am constantly amazed at the scope of the discussion around altered states of consciousness, various trance states, and the methodology of traditional cultures around the world. This has led me to correspond with some fascinating independent researchers.

In this issue, we look at the role of women in shamanism. Women have long held shamanic roles among many traditional cultures in northern Siberia, the Americas and throughout East Asia. The women shamans of ancient China, Korea, and Japan were revered and powerful. Our featured article this month comes from Max Dashú who in 1970 founded the Suppressed Histories Archives, a collection of over 14,000 slides and 100 slideshows she has created on global women’s history, archaeology, Goddess traditions, female priests and female shamans. In Max’s collection we find many of the same images that inspired Dr. Goodman’s posture research.

Also included in this issue: an article that provides some additional perspective on the history and mythology of the Thunderbird. In addition, we have a introduction to the Ritual Postures in Spanish.

Initiatory Training : Our Initiatory Training workshop in June is now full!  We are now looking at doing a second Initiatory Training workshop July 8th to 12th. If you  are interested email for more information.

Have questions or comments or research of your own to share? Reach me directly at We welcome all correspondence.


Paul Robear
President / Executive Director
Cuyamungue: The Felicitas D. Goodman Institute

I am happy to share the following news and articles.

In this issue:

  • Article: Woman Shamanism – the Suppressed History by Max Dashú
  • Article: Thunderbird: a symbol of power, strength and nobility by Clint Leung
  • Article: Coca Trillini in Buenos Aires – introduction to the Ritual Postures – in Spanish
  • Workshops and Events at the Institute.

SCROLL DOWN for Articles and Links


Woman Shamanism – the Suppressed History
by Max Dashú

Many of us were taught that female spiritual leaders didn’t exist, or were insignificant, or that they were rare exceptions. We were taught that Indigenous medicine ways were superstitions. Experiencing the beauty, power and wisdom of these spiritual legacies is medicine for your spirit. Especially for all the women who have been marginalized and silenced in the name of religion.

In fact, women have been at the forefront of this field worldwide, and in some cultures, they predominate. This was true in ancient China and Japan, as it still is in modern Korea and Okinawa, as well as among many South African peoples and northern Californians such as the Karok and Yurok.

There are countless other examples, including the machi of the Mapuche in southern Chile and the babaylan and catalonan of the Philippines.Images, oral traditions, and historical descriptions show women as invokers, healers, herbalists, oracles and diviners, ecstatic dancers, shapeshifters, shamanic journeyers, and priestesses of the ancestors.   ———————> Complete Article

Thunderbird: a symbol of power, strength and nobility 
by Clint Leung

Editors Note: A powerful energy appeared to us as we built our new hogan-style gathering place at Cuyamungue — a place dedicated to dance, celebration and ritual.  Those of us who constructed the building and those of us who have participated in various events in this building have experienced a palpable presence, which we’ve recognized as the energy of the Thunderbird. Thus we named this structure the Hall of the Thunderbird.  This article provides some additional perspective on Thunderbird mythology and significance.

The Thunderbird has been one of the most dominant icons in Native American art and legends. The Thunderbird is one of the few cross-cultural characters in Native American mythology since it is found in legends of Pacific Northwest, Plains, and Northeastern tribes.—————-> Complete Article

From Coca Trillini in Buenos Aires – Introduction to the Ritual Postures
For our Spanish speaking community

La antropóloga Dr. Felicitas D. Goodman, norteamericana, ha investigado y explorado posturas rituales del cuerpo como un medio para lograr un cambio de la conciencia corporal inducida – una experiencia “realidad alternativa extática”.

Descubrió que, cada postura corporal puede conducir a esta realidad alternativa, un campo expandido de conciencia, cuando se realiza en conjunto con el sonido de percusión rítmica adecuada, como un sonajero o tambor.  —–> Complete article

2015 Upcoming Workshops, Events and Training at Cuyamungue:

June 17th – 21st – Initiatory Training – Phase I – introductory course. (FULL ATTENDANCE – sold out.)    We are looking at doing a second Initiatory Training workshop July 8th to 12th. If you  are interested email for more information

July 2nd – 5th Trance and Travel To New Mexico

July 19th Cuyamungue Explorers Club

July 22nd – July 26th, 2015 – Initiatory Training– Phase II – advanced course.

August 11 – August 16, 2015: Instructor Training

August 18 – August 23, 2015: Masked Trance Dance

August 25 – August 31, 2015: Research Journey to New Mexico

How to Submit an Article: As part of expanding our Cuyamungue Institute community, you are invited and encouraged to participate. Share how you use the Cuyamungue Method in your chosen field. We are also open to other topics, with the emphasis on the posture work, and research and or experience. More information

We need your support! The Cuyamungue Institute is an independent 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Like most non-profit organizations, CI has limited resources. Each one of us can make a difference in our own way; some have the resources to provide financial support, while others have talents which they can share as a committed volunteers. We must always ask the question, “How can I make a difference?” Once we know that answer, we need to act. We are proud of the scope of work we have already accomplished, but this is just the beginning, and there is much more to do! Here’s how you can participate:

  • Be a Volunteer. Ask about existing, on-going projects you can help with. Or suggest projects that you can work on, fund, or both!
  • Attend workshops at the Institute. Bless yourself and CI. Workshop fees directly support maintenance of the land and buildings.
  • Personal Donations. 100% of your donations and gifts go directly to the Institute, and are tax deductible.
  • Corporate Donations. Your company can have a tremendous impact. Ask us how we can bring our work to your visionaries and leaders!

Also consider making a donation by clicking here. Ongoing research and new applications of this work is only possible with donations made by people like you. Laura Lee, our Director of Outreach and Development, is available to answer your questions. Contact her at Thanks for reading! Please forward this to your friends and acquaintances who will enjoy learning more about us, and please let me hear from you! I am most happy answer any and all questions about the Institute or the Cuyamungue Method. We welcome all correspondence.

Email me directly at .

Paul Robear
President / Executive Director
Cuyamungue – The Felicitas D. Goodman Institute

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