Greetings! I hope you are having a great time with friends and family for the holidays.
This is a magical time of the year and throughout the ages, humankind has gravitated toward this season to hold major ceremonies, celebrations and sacred observations. Through ritual we find connection with our own life and death cycles, and with Nature’s. Winter Solstice, the shortest day and the longest night of the year, marks the turning point of the sun’s gradual return of the sun and the season when new seeds of life spring forth. The “birth” of the Sun inaugurates a new growth cycle. This theme of endless birth, life, death, and rebirth inspires us to take time to reflect on our own lives.
Recent events in my life has me contemplating the transitory nature of life. My father-in-law just passed away at 93 years old… Lester was a mentor to me and seemed to impart greater degrees of wisdom as he aged. Dr Goodman, the founder of the Cuyamungue Institute reached 91 years old and was actively teaching into her late eighties. Yes, “wisdom comes with age” but I think it is more than that – it takes an openness and desire to continue to grow and flow with the life lessons that accrue. The older we get, the more we see how fleeting is a lifetime. Which begs the question: “how can we have greater connection to the time we spend on this earth?”
I’ve always appreciated the way many indigenous cultures honor the aging community members as elders. Becoming an elder is position of honor and more important is a reflection that our growth as individuals continues to our last breath. Growing old is just that – growing old – so wouldn’t it be great to have a process to help facilitate wisdom and thus assist in the timeless state of an an elder? One of the enduring effects of the ritual posture experience is a connectedness to a timeless reality. The foundation of this work itself has a long history and covers a wide timeline – we have postures found in prehistoric cave paintings, ancient sculptures and indigenous effigies, some believed to be more than 30,000 years old. It is part of the human experience that we all share. Universal mind is shared by all peoples of all cultures throughout all of time. With the posture experience and visiting this alternate reality of timelessness, we are stepping out of “age consciousness” and into our “wisdom consciousness.”
In this issue:
- a personal perspective on those great passages of life by Laura Lee
- We also have Marianne Carroll’s insightful look at this Winter Solstice from an astrological perspective
- Julie Nichols is teaching an Introduction to Shamanism in Sussex England and shares her report
- Good News on our Matching Donation Campaign sponsored by Barbara and Gerry Clow
- An updated, detailed schedule of upcoming Cuyamungue Workshop and Events
Passages by Laura Lee
Personal report from Laura: Paul and I are moving through one of those great passages in life — the loss of one of the two most important men in my life — my father Lester, who was a charismatic, larger-than-life figure. I guess if you have to orchestrate a passing, his was a good one — no pain, still sharp as a tack, ever stoic, surrounded by loved ones, slipping away peacefully in your sleep. He succeeded in his final goal, which was to make it to his birthday. Traditionally, this was the only “command performance” of the year, the one event our close-knit, but far-flung family was sure to gather for. And so we all gathered, and one by one, got up to read an essay or poem centered around what we refer to as “Lesterisms” — Lester’s philosophy, set to a few words that somehow conveyed volumes. It was our way to celebrate him, and all he taught us…. continue to full article
Winter Solstice – Marianne Carroll
Greetings on these final days before Winter Solstice — the shortest day of the year — and as we all roll into a collective 2012 moment many have long been awaiting with some level of anticipation.
When something this large — and political — happens, in astrology we turn to the wise planet Jupiter — which could be a mini solar system all on its own. Jupiter is massive and the largest and most powerful planet in the heavens, representing two and a half times the mass of all the other planets in the Solar System combined. It also rules the 3 p’s of power: politics, public policies and parties… continue to full article
(Marianne has also selected a posture to experience during the Solstice – which can be done remotely – synchronized as a group – the Bird Person of Veracruz posture – details)
Matching Donations Update – Laura Lee, Director of Outreach and Development
Here’s where we are with our on-going Matching Donation Campaign: Nearly $2,700 donated thus far — the matching funds doubles that to $5,400 — so we are over halfway to our $10,000 goal! Contact me with your comments, questions, and suggestions for future campaigns and projects at
Thanks again to Barbara and Gerry Clow for their continued support of the Institute with this Campaign, a wonderful opportunity to turn every dollar you donate to the Institute into $2! Here is Barbara Clow’s letter detailing their generous offer: Continue here for Barbara Clow’s entire letter
“In Formation” by Julie Nicol: Greetings once again from Sussex England
I am now established as the Adult Education teacher in Shamanism for West Sussex County Council and have taught several courses this year, which is wonderful, and what’s more, I love teaching! At a recent one day workshop which was an Introduction to Shamanism, my students were 7 ladies who were all complete beginners in anything Shamanic. For the last hour of the day we did what I know as a ‘Spirit Boat Healing’… Continue to Article
Instructor Training – September 4-8, 2013
What makes a good Instructor of the Cuyamungue Method? You have been practicing for some time and have already experienced the healing and expansive effects and would like to share with others. You want to reach out to your community and share what you have found so deeply moving, healing, and transformative. In these times, more than ever, people are looking for qualified instruction using this verified, safe practice, to enrich, expand and experience universal mind.
The steps and process of the Cuyamungue Method seem deceptively simple, so effective is the practice. However, teaching the Method requires significant training and our certification program draws upon nearly four decades of research and experience. Dr. Goodman provided us with a detailed roadmap to share this practice in a safe, methodical way. It is important for individuals to obtain solid instructor skills and this certification provides proof of your knowledge. Best of all – it is so rewarding and enriching to share this method with others. Please join us. Here is a link with details of the training process –
September 4- 8, 2013: Instructor Training and Certification – Belinda Gore and Paul Robear.. Contact us for more information
Invest in yourself! Here is the preview of workshops and events in development for 2013 at the Cuyamungue Institute, so you can get the jump-start on making your plans to join us next season. There may be adjustments to dates, times and details, and additional events and workshops will be added. Much more detail to follow in the near future.
April 29 – May 10: German Workshop – Ki Salmen is a trainer and teacher for the Felicitas-Goodman Institut in Germany and will host a full week workshop and bringing a group from Germany. Contact Ki
May 3 – 6: Soul Retrieval Workshop – Ki Salmen. In situations of shock, great pain or abuse a person’s life can become so unbearable that soul parts become lost. This work of retrieving soul parts with Body-Postures is a profound self healing process. The exciting news is: you can do it all yourself. More Workshop Information … Contact Ki
June 20 – 23: Solstice Celebration and Initiatory Training Workshop – Paul Robear and Laura Lee. A powerful, compacted introduction to this work. You will be introduced to a succession of trance experiences including healing, divination, metamorphosis, and initiation. Enjoy the power of the group experience. More Information
July 6: Cuyamungue Explorers Club – This is an afternoon gathering for those who are familiar with the practice of the Cuyamungue Method and want to participate in new posture research and verification. Hosted by Paul Robear and Laura Lee. Contact Paul Robear
July 11 -14 The Goddess is Calling – Laura Lee assisted by Cynthia Devlin – A workshop devoted to postures derived from ancient art depicting the Goddess in various guises. Contact Laura Lee
July 19 -22 Finding Ecstasy: Applying Your Unique Creative Genius – While Experiencing A Journey Through Self Discovery and Expression using Sacred Postures. Jackie Haworth, Stephanie Stephens, Rae LeCompte. Using the arts to express your experiences will help each of us on our journey through self. You might want to make a mask, write a poem, dance or sing. Follow the path on which your trances lead and be prepared for an adventure. Each of our stories will be woven into the fabric an imaginary tapestry representing how we are each one part of a world community. More Information
July 24 -28: Cuyamungue Board of Directors Meeting
July 31 – August 4: The Power of Animal Spirit Guides – Nick Brink – Identifying a spirit guide, generally an animal spirit guide, to supplement the process towards healing, personal growth and going beyond in accessing the Universal Mind. Contact Nick Brink
August 22 – 25: Authentic Movement & Ecstatic Postures – Bat-Sheva Koren – Authentic Movement creates a space where one can be present in PURE consciousness in the process of transitioning from stillness to movement and back. Holding a Ritual Body Posture facilitated by a rhythm opens an entry into the realm of the Spirit. Both guide our journey to a place where the role of the witness and the mover in the experience may be revealed. If one chooses to listen, the Spirit may guide the experiencing of the alternate reality as complementary to the daily one. Contact Bat-Sheva
August 28 – September 1: Masked Trance Dance – Paul Robear, Laura Lee and Belinda Gore. Adventure into the depth of inspiration and intuitive guidance as we make masks, costumes, and our experiences will create a mythic story and end in a creation a sacred dance . Contact Paul Robear
September 4 – 8: Instructor Training and Certification – Belinda Gore and Paul Robear. How to teach the safe and simple six-step process, known as the Cuyamungue Method. Contact Belinda
September 12 – 15: Gathering of the Grandmothers – Susan Bannister. A retreat for the “Grandmothers” (60 and up) of Cuyamungue. Following in the footsteps of Dr. Goodman, this is an opportunity for us as grandmothers to gather to share in the wisdom tradition of women elders. Contact Susan Bannister
September 19 – 22: Ancient Egyptian Body Postures – Meredith McCord and Jill Schumacher. Delve deep into Egyptian ecstatic body postures, healing postures and Ancient Egyptian Teachings. Their website is
October 3 – 6: First Annual Men’s Conclave – Paul Robear. The time has come for the men of the institute to gather and share the power of the Cuyamungue Method as a group. This will the first time in the history of the Institute that an all male event will be conducted at the Institute. Email me directly at for more information.
Want to more information? Email us and we will answer your questions and connect you directly with the workshop instructor(s).
2014 Centennial Celebration for Dr. Felicitas Goodman, founder of Cuyamungue Institute
2014 marks the 100th anniversary of Felicitas’ arrival on this planet. We want to mark the year with special events at Cuyamungue to honor her life and work with an international event welcoming all cultures, all languages and all those around the world who are carrying on her legacy. Our hope is to come together, both in person and via the Internet, to share stories of Felicitas and what her work means to us. We are brainstorming and visioneering a gathering for the Summer of 2014 and actively looking for knowledgeable and enthusiastic volunteers. That means you! We intend to find a date and time that works for the majority of the community. This event is open to all, and we need your ideas and participation. We may need to add temporary accommodations and gathering spaces, and for those who need more comfortable accommodations, the beautiful new Hilton at Buffalo Thunder is a short distance away and very reasonable priced. We can negotiate a group of rooms depending on the demand.
If you are inspired to suggest activities and participate on the committee that plans and executes this event, do let me know. It won’t happen without people stepping forward and making it happen! Email me directly at
We need your support! The Cuyamungue Institute, like many non-profit organizations, has limited resources. We are proud of the scope of work we have already accomplished, but its just the beginning, and there is much more to do! Here’s how you can participate:
- Be a Volunteer – Ask about existing, on-going projects you can help with. Or suggest projects that you can work on, fund, or both!
- Attend workshops at the Institute – Bless yourself and CI Workshop fees directly support maintenance of the land and buildings.
- Personal Donations – 100% of your donations and gifts go directly to the Institute, and are tax deductible.
- Corporate Donations – Your company can have a tremendous impact. Also ask us how we can bring our work to your company!
Also consider making a donation by clicking here. Ongoing research and new applications of this work with Ritual Postures is only possible because of donations made by people like you. Laura Lee, our Director of Outreach and Development, is available to answer your questions and to provide more information. Contact her at
Thanks for reading! Forward this to your friends who will enjoy this! Let me hear from you!
If you have any questions about the Institute or the Cuyamungue Method, please feel free to contact us. We welcome all correspondence. Email me directly at .
Paul Robear – December 2012