Anthropology of War: Cultural Context, Social Impact, & Human Evolution – Todd VanPool Ph.D.

Here we discuss one of the cultural universals of human society: Warfare. It is one of the most enduring and complex aspects of human society being evident from the earliest days of behaviorally modern humans to modern global conflicts. Even today the words of ancient military philosophers like those in Sun Tzu’s Art of War are quoted in boardrooms and by diplomats and wars both large and small are raging across the globe. War has shaped human culture politics and evolution in profound ways.

Anthropology offers us a unique lens through which to view this phenomenon not merely as historical events or strategic maneuvers but as a deeply ingrained behavior that reflects our collective human nature. We’ll explore how war is not just about violence but is interwoven with ritual religion consciousness and the very fabric of societal organization. Through this lens we aim to understand why humans engage in warfare and to explore the factors that influence its frequency and form impacts and its implications for our future.