Harnessing the Power of Intention – Bianca Harle

Harnessing the Power of Intention – Bianca Harle. Intention, is more than making goals. A goal is more mind-orientated where as the true power of intention comes from the heart. – an expanded awareness. Intentions are powerful.The art of intention can cultivate a more sustainable approach to transformation in our lives and effect the world around us by aligning ourselves together with collective intentions, and with the power and grace of the universe.

Bianca Harle conducted various experiments with focused, premeditated intention in personal and group settings for well over a decade before participating in a group intention experiment with a single group over a 2 year period. She has invited a few members of the group to share the parameters of the experiments and the results, both what worked and what didn’t. These were not scientific experiments, but conducted in the “lab” of real-life, and our discussion will focus on the insights gained in the many ways we all use intention, its power, and what it all means. “Intention is the starting point – a part of our creative power,” she says. “The power of Intention can teach us that mistakes become opportunities to learn, and empowers us to effectively change on energetic and other levels.

Hosted by Laura Lee and Paul Robear. Conversation4Exploration, Conversation 4 Exploration, Conversation for Exploration, Cuyamungue: Felicitas D. Goodman Institute, The Laura Lee Show