What does it take to turn this dream into reality: overturning old, inefficient, toxic methods with new ideas and new technology that mimics Nature?
Alan and Abby Ismond will share the highs and lows of their personal journey to do just that. They are the husband-and-wife team at Aqua-Terra Consultants, environmental engineers for the fisheries industry. They developed new technology inspired by Alan’s flash of insight watching the wave action by which the ocean cleanses itself, and their focus for the last five years has been field-testing and perfecting an invention that may help revolutionize a wide range of industries needing to ecologically clean up the water they use.
Let’s explore what it takes to successfully bring a new idea into manifestation and achieve wide mainstream adoption. Learning to navigate a long and winding road with seemingly insurmountable obstacles is essential. The Ismonds will share their goals, challenges, strategies, breakthroughs, and what keeps them going, as well as how they won the support of helpful people, including patent attorneys, scientists, government officials at the federal, state, and city levels, academic researchers, industry experts, and business leaders.
While the fishing industry benefits by transforming waste into valuable by-products, increasing product recovery, and ensuring compliance with environmental regulations, the Ismonds’ larger goal is environmental stewardship—bringing visionary solutions to life that support the comprehensive big picture: working with, not against, Nature and our beautiful blue planet.