Letter from the President – January 2015
by Paul Robear
With this fresh start of a new calendar year, I want to thank our volunteers and certified instructors for the time, effort, and contributions you all have made to Cuyamungue Institute. We want to thank all our generous supporters who made donations. The future for the Cuyamungue Institute looks bright, and our on-going research is possible because of contributions made by people like you.
We are charged with the awesome task of maintaining and continuing the ongoing research and I am grateful for how much your efforts have resulted in strengthening the knowledge base of this exciting work. It is the deep connection and experience created by the postures that continues to inspire us all.
My goal this new year continues to be that we generate greater awareness of the Cuyamungue Method and expand workshops and event programs to more places around the world.
Have questions or comments or research of your own to share? Reach me directly at paulrobear@cuyamungueinstitute.com. We welcome all correspondence.
Paul Robear
President / Executive Director
Cuyamungue: The Felicitas D. Goodman Institute
I am happy to share the following news and articles.
In this issue:
- Quote: Dr Goodman: We will have to rethink what myth is …
- Article: What do mean by the terms “Initiation”? by Paul Robear
- Workshop: Initiatory Training – : The complete Introductory Training program.
- Workshop: Initiatory Training – Phase II: Advanced Program.
- Workshop: Instructor Training: How to teach this safe and simple process.
- Article: Albuquerque: Traveling to Cuyamungue this year? Plenty to see during a stop over.
- Instructor Network Renewal: a professional organization of Instructors from around the world.
- How to Submit an Article: You are invited and encouraged to participate!
SCROLL DOWN for Articles and Links
Dr. Goodman on Myth “…we will have to rethink what myth is. It may be a fanciful tale about imaginary beings, or a repository for nearly forgotten historical events, or a story invented to give meaning to some ritual. But principally, a myth is a report about events that took place in the other reality and that involved people or beings who straddled the two dimensions.”
“…humans have to make a truly heroic effort to be noticed on the other side. Merely talking, falling into a worshipful mood, feeling ‘transcendent,’ ‘numinous,’ or ‘oceanic,’ or whatever other pompous words are listed in the dictionary, simply will not do. Instead humans, if they have the urgent necessity or desire to squeeze through the chinks in that wall, need to change the very functioning of their bodies in a most radical way.”
“For life or for death, I was committed to that mighty realm of which I was shown a brief reminder, the world where all was forever motion and emergence, that realm where the spirits ride the wind.”
–Dr. Felicitas Goodman, Where the Spirits Ride the Wind
What do mean by the term “Initiation”?
In the context of Ritual Postures, we use the term initiation to represent the path of exploration and transition experiences that take us beyond the known into the unknown reality state. Initiation means the beginning of something new, a triggered transition. Something becomes the catalyst to alter our perspective, our conscious awareness to embrace our life path with a new clarity. Initiation is about exploration, self-examination, reviewing of all previously held foundations, and the shattering of illusions. In this experience there is a shift of consciousness that take us beyond the ordinary world view into the alternate reality state. The Ritual Posture produce a trance like state which facilitates assimilation and integration of this alternate reality and can permanently impact our life journey. ——- > Complete Article
A powerful, compacted introduction to this work. You will be introduced to a succession of trance experiences and initiation. Enjoy the power of the group experience. This intensive workshop is an introduction to the work of Dr. Felicitas D. Goodman and the Cuyamungue Method. This is the revival of an ancient practice of consciousness expanding, spirit journey experiences using sacred postures, derived from ancient artwork the world over. This expanded state of consciousness is achieved through a relatively simple, safe, and teachable method with over thirty years of verified safe use; the evidence points to over thirty-thousand years of use. This is a complete Introductory Training program … join us. More Information
Initiatory Training – Phase II
The Initiatory Advanced program is designed for those who have completed a 3/4 day introductory workshop and are ready to explore the next level of ritual posture experiences. It involves extended training in advanced ritual posture practices and principles. This initiatory advanced program includes postures which have been been carefully selected to advance our ritual posture practice. Participation can also be applied to meeting requirements of the Instructor Certification program. ——–> More Information
Instructor Training: How to teach this safe and simple process, known as the Cuyamungue “CI” Method.
Instructing with the Cuyamungue Method is all about facilitating experiences using a series of easy to follow steps. The posture experience itself does the real work – helping men and women to bring an awareness of the spiritual realms into their every day reality. This process is all about having an experience and does not require any belief system or learned philosophy. The Cuyamungue Method transcends the concepts of a religions into the deeper wisdom teachings that could be a way that helps unite all of humanity’s major religious and philosophical traditions. More Information
Whether you have registered or plan to register, please contact me so that we can assist you to meet the requirements and guidelines for certification. Email me directly at paulrobear@cuyamungueinstitute.com
Traveling to the Cuyamungue Institute this summer? Almost all who fly to New Mexico arrive via the Albuquerque Airport. You may want to schedule some extra time to visit some of the interesting sites in Albuquerque.
Albuquerque, New Mexico’s largest city, was founded in 1660 with land grants to more than 100 Spanish families from the Duke of Albuquerque. Today it is one of the Jewels of the Land of Enchantment.
Go back to the earliest history by visiting the Petroglyph National Monument, just West and North of the city. The Monument features thousands of petroglyphs, which are pictures carved on the basalt lava rocks. Most of these petroglyphs were made 400 to 700 years ago by the native Pueblo people. Some might date back 2,000 to 3,000 years. ——> Complete Article
TO: CI Instructors Network: It’s a new year and time to renew your Instructor Network membership! We have appreciated your support this past year, and we look forward to your continued commitment in 2015.
Your membership helps advance the organizational mission and supports the vision established by Felicitas. The Network is a professional organization of Instructors who are teaching Ritual Postures in workshops around the world and we appreciate your support. Several people have already renewed their membership, thank you! ——– > More information
Workshops and Events: Schedule for 2015
Here is the preview of workshops and events in planned for 2015 at the Cuyamungue Institute, so you can get the jump-start on making your plans to join us next season. There may be adjustments to dates, times and details, and additional events and workshops will be added. More detail to follow in the near future. ——> More Information
Our Sacred Land. The New Mexico influence had a strong impact on Felicitas herself as she went deeper into the research of ritual postures. The land is the “laboratory,” the setting for safe exploration into the Alternate Reality. These 280 acres of the Cuyamungue Institute have its own power and history separate from the practice of ritual postures, but they blend in such a perfect way. It is a magical place, a place that offers inspiration. It inspired the ancestral Puebloan people who lived here for thousands of years, and it inspired and helped guide Dr. Goodman throughout her tenure on the land. The land of Cuyamungue is still recognized as a important and sacred ancestral site by the Puebloan people of today. We are indeed fortunate to be the custodians tasked with conserving and protecting this sacred land.
International Instructors Conference 2016
Renewing and growing our international connections was the common theme throughout the recent Centennial Conference. When Hermine Brzobohaty suggested we meet again at CI in two years, this was met with much enthusiasm and support. So we are already planning CI’s International Instructors Conference for the summer of 2016! We hope to see you at the next International Instructor Conference; two years is the blink of the eye!
If you are not yet an Instructor, talk to me about our recently updated Instructor Training Program.
How to Submit an Article: As part of expanding our Cuyamungue Institute community, you are invited and encouraged to participate. Share how you use the Cuyamungue Method in your chosen field. We are also open to other topics, with the emphasis on the posture work, and research and or experience. More information
We need your support! The Cuyamungue Institute is an independent 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Like most non-profit organizations, CI has limited resources. Each one of us can make a difference in our own way; some have the resources to provide financial support, while others have talents which they can share as a committed volunteers. We must always ask the question, “How can I make a difference?” Once we know that answer, we need to act. We are proud of the scope of work we have already accomplished, but this is just the beginning, and there is much more to do! Here’s how you can participate:
- Be a Volunteer. Ask about existing, on-going projects you can help with. Or suggest projects that you can work on, fund, or both!
- Attend workshops at the Institute. Bless yourself and CI. Workshop fees directly support maintenance of the land and buildings.
- Personal Donations. 100% of your donations and gifts go directly to the Institute, and are tax deductible.
- Corporate Donations. Your company can have a tremendous impact. Ask us how we can bring our work to your visionaries and leaders!
Also consider making a donation by clicking here. Ongoing research and new applications of this work is only possible with donations made by people like you. Laura Lee, our Director of Outreach and Development, is available to answer your questions. Contact her at lauralee@cuyamungueinstitute.com Thanks for reading! Please forward this to your friends and acquaintances who will enjoy learning more about us, and please let me hear from you! I am most happy answer any and all questions about the Institute or the Cuyamungue Method. We welcome all correspondence.
Email me directly at paulrobear@cuyamungueinstitute.com .
Paul Robear
President / Executive Director
Cuyamungue – The Felicitas D. Goodman Institute